Expansion of Northern Australia Alliance
Posted on November 6th, 2015

L2R – Trent Twomey (Advance Cairns Chair), Tracey Lines (Townsville Enterprise Ltd) and Mary Carroll (Capricorn Enterprise)
The future for Northern Australia has received a boost with the expansion of the Northern Australia Alliance to include Capricorn Enterprise and Townsville Enterprise.
The Alliance, which was launched by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott in June this year as an agreement between Advance Cairns, Broome Futures and the Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce, sees key advocacy bodies from Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia unite to work collaboratively and act as catalysts to help shape and change communities across Northern Australia in a strategic and consultative manner.
Capricorn Enterprise chief executive Mary Carroll said, “this Alliance demonstrates our strong desire to ensure all areas in Northern Australia can reach their full potential. By working together for common outcomes we can provide one strong voice to government to achieve the best infrastructure and industry development which will ultimately benefit the nation’s economy.”
Townsville Enterprise Economic Development General Manager Tracey Lines said the Alliance provides a platform for region’s across Northern Australia to have a unified voice.
“This alliance gives us the opportunity to advocate for infrastructure funding and policy reform that will benefit communities right across Northern Australia including Townsville North Queensland to ensure the full development potential of the north is realised.”
Advance Cairns Chair, Trent Twomey said, “The existing alliance already represented genuine strength across the far north of the country. The expansion of the partnership to include two key additional advocacy organisations on the east coast will strengthen the unity of our vision as being genuinely all embracing for the entire Northern Australia region.”
Northern Australia is broadly defined as the parts of Australia north of the Tropic of Capricorn, spanning WA, NT and Qld. The area covers approximately three million square kilometres with a growing population of around one million people.
For further information or comment:
Advance Cairns Chair, Trent Twomey, 0412 716 699, chair@advancecairns.com
Townsville Enterprise Ltd, Melissa Van Der Haak, Media and Communications Advisor, 4726 2752 , melissa@tel.com.au
Capricorn Enterprise, Mary Carroll, 4927 2055, marycarroll@capricornenterprise.com.au