Outcome.Life Placements – host an engineering intern in your organisation

Capricorn Enterprise have partnered with InternMatch to provide you access to quality students and graduates who are ready to support your business.

InternMatch work with enthusiastic students and graduates who are looking for exposure to real-life business environments where they can put their theoretical knowledge and hunger to learn to good use.

Currently they have eight (8) students seeking to secure internships by Saturday 10th October. The start date for all students is Monday 9th November. They will complete a 4-day per week internship, Monday to Thursday, for a total of 12 weeks.

The internships are fully Fair Work Australia compliant and completely unpaid so there is no financial cost to the organisations involved. Compliance, insurance and continual support throughout all internships are covered by Outcome.Life.

All students are currently in their final semester of a Master of Engineering and are based in Rockhampton.

Please note, Outcome.Life are not specifically required to meet the students’ specific interests, as listed below, as they are all aware of our time restrictions and all students are open to all opportunities.

IndustrySpecialisationLocationStudent Interests
1EngineerElectricalRockhamptonInterested in Control Systems & renewable energy
2EngineerElectricalRockhamptonElectronics & communication – Can do programming and embedding software
3EngineerCivilRockhamptonConstruction management / Water Engineering Structures / Road-based construction management & automation
4EngineerCivilRockhamptonMining / Traffic and Transport engineering
5EngineerMechanicalRockhamptonMining / Quality Assurance
6EngineerMechanicalRockhamptonMining industry
7EngineerMechanicalRockhamptonA technical role in automotive and mechanical
8EngineerMechanicalRockhamptonMining / Automotive technical roles

Interested organisations should visit internmatch.io/capricorn-enterprise/ to learn more about the program and can register their expression of interest in the program here – https://internmatch.io/host-companies/

Photo credit: InternMatch

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