Swim Around Keppel Returns July 2022 – Family fun on the Capricorn Coast
Posted on April 21st, 2022
One of Australia’s longest swimming marathons is back for another splash in 2022, as Swim Around Keppel (SAK) returns to our Keppel Bay waters on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th July.
This one-of-a-kind event will see swimmers from all around Australia flock to the Capricorn Coast to participate in the 20km swim circumnavigating the jewel in the crown of our region, Great Keppel Island.
While solo swims are now sold out, family fun will be available for spectators and day visitors alike.
After 3 successful years, the 2022 open water swimming event has received support from our state tourism organisation, Tourism & Events Queensland. Funding has been secured to assist in growing the event both domestically and internationally to increase visitation to the Capricorn Region.
Event organiser and director, Val Kalmikovs is delighted to see his vision become reality.
“We all know that Great Keppel Island and Keppel Bay is a very special part of the world. The magic of the underwater world here is so unique and untouched, it’s a privilege to be able to share it with eager swimmers and their visitors,” Val said.
With the individual swim event being held Sunday 24th July sold out, with 100 swimmers, the Swim Around Keppel team are now encouraging team relay swim registrations and participation in all the other events, such as a new heat, an individual 5km swim around Middle Islands, as well as family activities such as sandcastle building, a scavenger hunt and water polo.
Capricorn Enterprise Marketing Manager, Krista Brown is grateful to welcome Swim Around Keppel back in 2022 and encourages all locals and visitors to come and explore the interior of this popular paradise.
“We are so fortunate to have such a unique event right on our doorstep and it is great to see the event growing year on year,” Krista said.
“Winter right across our destination is the perfect time to get outdoors and experience everything on offer.”
“Swim Around Keppel kicks off a line-up of top-class sporting events on the Capricorn Coast, with the Yeppoon Running Festival being held the following weekend, and the Yeppoon Triathlon Festival in August,” Krista said.
Swim Around Keppel is passionate about growing this unique event and looks forward to welcoming visitors to our wonderful region.
For further information, visit: swimaroundkeppel.com.au/home/event-info
View the 2022 promotional video here – https://youtu.be/04t4tHNZ8To