Airport numbers reflect increased 2019 visitation
Posted on April 28th, 2020
2019 was a record year in visitation to the Capricorn region (1,164,000 Domestic overnight, 69,000 international overnight and 1,506,000 day trip visitors) spending a total of $954 Million expenditure.
Recently released data for the Rockhampton airport also reflected that growth trend.
Capricorn Enterprise CEO Mary Carroll said “All official statistical data is pointing to a record 2019 in our visitor economy, which has made the Covid crisis an even more bitter pill to swallow.”
“Rockhampton Airport passenger numbers for 2019 saw a 3.6% increase from the previous year, which has been the first increase in annual numbers since the mining construction peak finished in 2012.”
“We saw an increase in passenger numbers of 19,947 (3.6%) from 551,596 in 2018 to 571,543 in 2019, with business travelers making up the majority of visitors by air”

Source: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (1985 – 2019 data)