Regional Profile & Statistics

The following regional profiles provide informative statistics about the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast areas and the Central Queensland region on a variety of topics including our population, climate, dwellings and the labour force.   These topics will be updated when new data becomes available.  Data from the 2021 Census of Population and Housing has been released on a variety of topics including income, occupation, education, dwellings and more providing a snapshot of the region at that time.

Our Region Explained
Statistics can provide a variety of information about people and where they live.  Capricorn Enterprise has produced a variety of reports that provide up-to-date information about the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast areas and the Fitzroy region.

Population Trends
The population profile provides statistics about the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast areas’ population and wider Fitzroy region.  This includes population estimates and projections, characteristics of the population, our ancestry and the service age groups that make up our age profile.

The climate profile provides climate information for Rockhampton, Yeppoon and the Capricorn Coast and Emerald and the Sapphire Gemfields.

The dwellings profile provides statistics about the diversity of housing in the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast area and the wider Fitzroy region, including dwelling types, tenure, median weekly rents and monthly mortgage payments, dwelling prices and more.  The Rockhampton Region continues to offer a range of affordable housing in a variety of locations.

The employment profile provides statistics about the education and employment characteristics of the working population of the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast areas and the wider Fitzroy region.  This includes information about educational qualifications, industry of employment, occupations, incomes, the labour force and where people are working.  The Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast areas support a range of employment opportunities for residents.
Download our Journey to Work Fact Sheet (2021 Census)

Gracemere Profile
The Gracemere profile provides a closer look at one of Rockhampton Regional Council’s growing areas.  It provides statistics about industry of employment, labour force, occupations, business counts by employee size and turnover range, building approvals, rents, population and educational qualifications.  Gracemere has a lot to offer its residents and prospective investors.

NOTE: Australia’s last Census was held in August 2021 and included new questions. Data collected in the Census helps government, businesses and organisations to make informed decisions. The ABSreleased Census 2021 data from mid-2022.