Business Event Presentations
12th September 2024 – Major Projects and Industry Forum Presentations:
Energy market challenges over the next 5 years for commercial and industrial customers in regional Queensland – Mark Grenning, Energy Users Association of Australia
Building a Skilled and Resilient Workforce in Construction – Kim Hetherington, CSQ (Construction Skills Queensland)
Decarbonisation, Digitalisation, Decentralisation, and Democratisation (4D) Perspectives of Green Energy Transitions in Queensland – Jamshid Aghaei, CQUniversity
Frenchville Sports Club Master Plan – Damien Massingham, Frenchville Sports Club
19th October 2023 – Major Projects and Industry Forum
Qld Regional Economic Outlook October 2023 – Gene Tunny, Adept Economics
13th October 2022 – Major Industry Forum
Major Projects Outlook – Central Queensland – Nathan St John
29th April 2022 – Regional Economic Update
The business luncheon hosted at Cocobrew Rockhampton on 29th of April, provided an engaged audience with an update from Tony Gambling, Director, on Regional Development Australia Central and Western Queensland’s Strategic Regional Plan, along with the opportunity to engage with John Burke, Head of Construction, Windlab.
Regional Development Australia – Central and Western Queensland, Strategic Regional Plan – Tony Gambling
Windlab – Regional Economic Update – John Burke
28th October 2021 – Major Projects Forum
The annual Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum was, again, a very well attended event. The calibre of presenters continues to be very high with informative and interesting presentations across a range of topics highlighting continuing major projects, upcoming opportunities and the economy of our region.
Attendees were also able to network throughout the day, making connections and discussing collaborative solutions.
Clarke Creek Wind Farm – 2021 Major Projects Forum – Leigh Walters
Construction Skills Queensland – CQ Major Projects Outlook – Robert Sobyra
Fitzroy Basin Association – A Roadmap for a Sustainable CQ – Elyse Reithmuller
I-PG Group – Inland Rail – John Abbott
Stanwell – Building a Hydrogen pathway – Rory Holmes
Yurika – The Future is Electric – Peter Schofield
Adept Economics – Economic Outlook + COP26 views – Gene Tunny
Thank you to our event partners and Gold sponsors:

3rd June 2021 – Concrete Industry Breakfast Briefing
The concrete Industry Breakfast Briefing in Rockhampton focused on new carbon nanotube technology promoting strength & durability in concrete. The future of concrete relies on achieving sustainable and realistic alternative options that contribute to achieving a reduced carbon footprint. This briefing also reviewed the options for fly ash use and the advantages realised in coal combustion products. Advances and developments in concrete repair for effective protection of asset management, extension of design and service life were also discussed.
Surf Lakes Journey –
Edencrete Enhanced performance of concrete with Carbon Nanotube liquid additive –
FOSROC Designing & Repairing Concrete for Durability –
29th October 2020 – Major Projects Forum
The third annual Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum was again very well attended with 150 business delegates. With interesting and informative presentations including updates on major projects from the Carmichael Mine in the west to the Clarke Creek Wind Farm in the north-east, the forum was a very successful overview of projects and an excellent networking opportunity.
Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative – Commodore Jonathan Earley
Clarke Creek Wind Farm local industry briefing – David Brown
Central Queensland Economic Outlook – Gene Tunny
Work in Central Queensland – Phil Cooper and Ben Hughes
Future of Qld Resources – Contribution of Qld resources to State economy – Ian Macfarlane
Rookwood Weir Project – Hamish Smith
Beef Australia 2021 – Ian Mill
AusIndustry – Support for Business – Deborah Mead. YouTube video link
6th March 2020 – Get some branding tips from Optus
To celebrate being recognised as Australia’s strongest brand, Optus partnered with Capricorn Enterprise and Cooper Mckenzie Marketing to offer a free branding workshop breakfast at CocoBrew for local businesses.
Presentations from Madonna Burgess, Optus and Carl Cooper, Cooper McKenzie Marketing were interesting, informative and well received.
Madonna Burgess, Optus, Covering more of Queensland than ever before.
Garry Clarke, Optus, Why Optus for Small Business.
Carl Cooper, Cooper McKenzie Marketing, Branding: Why is it so important? Presentation. As Carl said, this is not only what makes a memorable impression on consumers, it’s also about customer expectations. Brand image plays a significant role for businesses pursuing growth.

6th December 2019 – Capricorn Industry Group Networking Function
The CIG Networking function provided an opportunity for interested Members and businesses to learn more about what is happening in the region as well as enjoy a final networking event for the year.
Kalie Green, Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Presentation, Fact Sheet
Bruce Fyfe, Construction Skill Queensland, Presentation
25th October 2019 – Major Projects Forum
The second annual Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum was again very well attended with over 200 business delegates. With interesting and informative presentations including updates on major projects from the Carmichael Mine in the west to the Clarke Creek Wind Farm in the north-east, the forum was a very successful overview of projects and an excellent networking opportunity.
The following presentation has been made available to view:
Peter Donaghy, Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy, Presentation
Robert Sobyra, Construction Skills Queensland, Presentation
Chris Birrer, Department of Defence, Presentation
Martin MacDonald, FKG, Presentation available to members on request. Email
David Brown, Goldwind, Presentation
8th October 2018 – Major Projects Forum
The very successful Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum was attended by over 200 business delegates. The forum updated businesses and industry on major projects including the Adani Carmichael Mine, the Australia – Singapore Military Training Initiative and more.
Attendees were informed on Defence, Resource Projects and Industry Updates and Renewables / Water Infrastructure as well as engaged in Panel discussions with presenters.
Peter Donaghy, DNRME, Presentation
Martin Macdonald, FKG, SWBTA Presentation is available to Capricorn Enterprise members. Please email or phone 07 4927 2055 to request a copy.
Chris McCombe, Minerals Council of Australia, Presentation
Andrew Barger, QRC, Presentation
Chris Birrer, Defence, Presentation
Mitch Carr, SunWater, Rookwood Weir Presentation (Updated 27 Feb 2019)
Tracey Lines, Clean Energy Finance Corp, Presentation
Lucas Dow, ADANI, Presentation
Craig Simpson, Laing O’Rourke, ASMTA Presentation
Mark Rayner, Lacour Energy, Clarke Creek Wind Turbine Project details will be posted on the completion of the Project’s Feasibility, expected early/mid 2019
10th October 2018 – Defence Projects at Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area – “Maximising opportunities for local industry”
The ADF hosted a Contracting and Compliance Presentation “Maximising opportunities for local industry” at CQUni Rockhampton.
In excess of 180 business representatives from across the extended region attended the presentations by Laing O’Rourke and Downer FKG.
Presentation detail included:
- Project Summary;
- Project Status and future Milestones;
- Procurement Process;
- Local Industry Capacity and Capability;
- Industry EOIs;
- Pre-qualification requirements;
- Registrations and future updates.
SWBTA – Remediation Project Procurement Presentation October 10 2018 (FKG Downer)
ADF, Laing O’Rourke and Downer FKG Industry Briefing – October 10 Invitation
ASMTI Industry Briefing – October 10 2019 – Presentation by Laing O’Rourke
30th August 2017 – Capricornia Major Projects Forum
The very successful Capricornia Major Projects Forum organised by Capricorn Enterprise was attended by over 100 business delegates. The forum updated local and other businesses on major projects including the Adani Carmichael Mine, Rail and Port Project, the Australia – Singapore Military Training Initiative and more.
Attendees were informed on how to engage in Defence Projects as well as engaged in a Q & A session. In addition, senior personnel from AusIndustry spoke with regional businesses on registering for defence contacts and forming business clusters.
Presentations included:
The role of the Jangga People Operations – Irene Leard
Adani Overview – How Adani will be identifying local suppliers – Ben Hughes
CQ Construction Capabilities for Major Projects – Candice Fraser
Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area (SWBMTA), Australia – Singapore Miliatary Training Initiative Update – Sean Hawkins and Mick Reilly
Centre for Defence Industry Capability – How do businesses prepare to engage with Defence – Rodney Love
Panel Session with Defence Primes – How primes engage with local suppliers
Forming Clusters – Ross Contarino
18th July 2017 – Financing Clean Energy Development
Paul McCartney, Chief Originations and Transactions Officer (Joint) of Clean Energy Finance Corp, presented to Rockhampton Region business and industry on financing clean energy development.
The CEFC is keen to work with clients across Central Queensland on clean energy and energy efficiency projects to drive our Nation’s future development. Projects such as solar farms, wind farms, bio energy projects, storage, batteries and energy grid solutions come to mind – however, CEFC would like to hear from owners and developers of resorts, hospitals, shopping centres, housing (high rise or residential subdivisions) property developments, industrial expansion, airports etc who are interested in improving their energy efficiency and lowering their operating costs.
For further information on funding clean energy projects, contact CEFC on 1300 002 332 or email
14th September 2016 – R&D Tax Incentives
Acting Assistant Regional Manager of AusIndustry, Wendy Lawson, presented to Rockhampton Region business and industry. The R&D Tax Incentive Information Session gave attendees insights into the benefits of innovating and how to access refundable tax offsets for R&D projects.
For further information on the R&D tax incentives, contact AusIndustry Business Services on 3227 4700 or email
10th August 2016 – Economic Development Management Committee
Managing Director of Carbine Resources Tony James recently presented to the Economic Development Management Committee on the Companies proposal to ‘mine” leases previously forming part of the former Mt Morgan Gold Mine site at Mt Morgan.
With a recently completed Pre-Feasibility Study defining a minimum 8 year mine life for the production of 46,500 ounces per year Au equivalent at all-in sustaining costs of only US$234/oz, Carbine is excited to continue the path to production at Mount Morgan.
Ideally located within close proximity to the major regional centres of Rockhampton and Gladstone, the 677.5 hectare Mt Morgan Project has easy access to all required infrastructure, services and utilities.
A substantial high grade Exploration Target of 4.7 – 5.8Mt grading 1.54 – 1.81 g/t Au and 0.12 – 0.17% Cu exists at the site, providing potential for a significant increase in mine life, processing capacity and project value. This Exploration Target is not a mineral resource and is conceptual in nature.
We are pleased that Tony has approved his presentation being featured on our web site.
Carbine Resources Presentation – Diggers & Dealers
We look forward to working closely with Tony and Carbine Resources in their future development and operational facets of their Mt Morgan venture.
Neil Lethlean
Economic Development Manager.
27th May 2016 – Dual focus on Business Insurance and Liveable Cities
Attendees at the Business Leaders Lunch were treated to presentations from Pam Howarth, Practice Leader with Arthur J. Gallagher, and Steven Burgess, Principal with MRCagney.
Pam’s presentation focussed on Insurance for Business:
- Where is the insurance market going?
- What do I really need to know about insurance?
- Can insurance make you more attractive?
After learning more about underinsurance and cyber insurance, attendees are now better informed about their business insurance needs.
Steven’s presentation focussed on Liveable City Transforming:
- Improving existing urban zones to cope with the growing population
- Attracting developers to invest in urban regeneration projects
- Addressing social-economic challenges for sustainable city development
- Providing sustainable development processes for large-scale urban regeneration projects.
Attendees had their eyes opened to the possibilities and opportunities for enhancing their town through designing for people not cars.
20th May 2016 – Economic Forecast Breakfast
Attendees at the Economic Forecast Breakfast were informed of Australia’s Economic Outlook by Michael Workman, Senior Economist with Commonwealth Bank.
Michael’s presentation focussed on
- Our global view
- The Economy & Markets 2016
- Budget: Winners & Losers
- Tourism – Income Opportunities