Major Regional Projects

Infrastructure projects valued at approximately $4.4 billion are generating unprecedented opportunities for regional business and local workforce across the region encompassing Livingstone and Rockhampton Council areas. In 2024, as major infrastructure projects continue to progress, commence or finalise, Capricorn Enterprise will keep you up to date with the latest project news. Local industry participation commitments (ranging from 65% up to 80% local content) on many of these projects have been made. Our overall challenge will be ensuring that industry are suitably qualified (being compliant plus meeting Commonwealth procurement rules) and demonstrate a competitive edge.
Gain a better understanding of major projects and their value by subscribing to our weekly e-newsletter or contact Industry Engagement Manager Frank Edwards, 07 4927 2055 for more information or to be included on the the Industry database for future mail outs.

Capricorn Enterprise compiles a report of Major Projects in our region identifying their location and indicative cost estimates.
Available on Request. Email
Key Projects Timeline

Clarke Creek Wind and Solar Project
Squadron Energy’s work on the Clarke Creek Wind Farm continues to progress with major civil works and wind turbine erection. The Clarke Creek Wind Farm team has now erected 18 wind turbines with another 19 well underway. Read the May 2024 project update.
Clarke Creek Wind Farm is committed to building and maintaining relationships with the local community. The project team aims to keep an open dialogue with the local residents, stakeholders and the wider community to ensure successful exchange of information, consultation and engagement.

Rockhampton Ring Road
The Rockhampton Ring Road project is a transformative project for Central Queensland. The extended pipeline of infrastructure construction provides a once in a lifetime opportunity for the region to build capability in the regional workforce and industry.
At the end of June 2023, contracts for the $280 million construction Package 1 were awarded to Bielby-BMD Joint Venture (North) and Acciona-Fulton Hogan Joint Venture (South).
Construction on this first phase of the project commenced in November 2023.
At the end of January 2024, total funding of $1.73 billion was confirmed to deliver the full project.
Businesses can register their interest to provide services or materials to the contractor joint ventures delivering the ring road project.
Moah Creek Renewable Energy Project
Located 30km west of Rockhampton, the Moah Creek Renewable Energy Project is part of the larger integrated Central Queensland Power project being jointly developed by RES and Energy Estate. The portfolio of wind, solar and battery storage projects is designed to assist Central Queensland’s transition to renewable energy.
Moah Creek Renewable Energy Project in Central Queensland FAQ
Read the newsletter:

Keppel Bay Convention & Sporting Hub
Keppel Bay Sailing Club, a not-for-profit community club, has a vision for the future which focuses on bringing more jobs, a stronger economy and increased tourism to the Capricorn Coast.

SWBTA Remediation Project
In February 2020, a joint venture between Downer EDI Works and FK Gardner and Sons (Downer/FKG JV) was awarded a $125 million contract for the delivery of the Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA) Remediation Project. The upgrades will enable soldiers to train more effectively, support new military capabilities and minimise the impact of training activities on the surrounding environment.
Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative
The Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative is about investing, building and training. It will provide Australian troops with better training opportunities and strengthen Australia’s relationship with Singapore, an important Defence partner. As host to this Initiative, the local communities of Central and North Queensland will benefit from economic opportunities that arise as the training areas are enhanced and as Singapore’s training activities increase. ASMTI Quarterly Newletters.

Rookwood Weir
Through the development of Eden Bann and Rookwood Weirs on the Fitzroy River the region can further the agricultural industry’s position as a major agricultural ‘food bowl’ to the region and beyond. The Rookwood Weir site is approximately 66 km south west of Rockhampton on the Fitzroy River and is now complete (see Qld government media statement).
- 21 successful bidders to receive water following second tender
- More than 6000 megalitres going to Lower Fitzroy landholders
The Carmichael Mine
Bravus Mining and Resources’ Carmichael mine is an open cut thermal coal mine in central Queensland’s North Galilee Basin, approximately 160 kilometres northwest of the town of Clermont. The mine produces in the order of 10 million tonnes of coal per annum. All the coal mined at Carmichael is for export, and coal from the mine is used by nations in the Asia Pacific region to provide reliable and affordable energy solutions that help reduce poverty and power growth.
Bravus Mining and Resources is proud to provide secure jobs and opportunities for businesses in regional Queensland, and to help to support local economies so towns, cities and their residents can thrive. More than 1200 people are engaged in permanent roles at Carmichael with more than 750 workers on site at any time while the others are on days off. For more information about Bravus Mining and Resources head to; for available jobs at the mine visit; or to register to supply:

Capricorn Integrated Resort
The $600 million development of a 1500-hectare integrated resort community, 45 kilometres north of Rockhampton and 9 kilometres north-east of Yeppoon in the Livingstone Shire Council has been officially withdrawn from the government process as the plans have been significantly downscaled.
Useful Links
- Capricornia Correctional Centre
- Rockhampton Ring Road, Visualisation, Have your say on the concept design
- Black Business Finder – an online database established to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses an opportunity to be involved and benefit from the rapidly expanding major project program currently under way in Queensland.
- Deadly Directory – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Business Directory Wide Bay Burnett and Central Queensland
- Supply Nation – database of verified Indigenous businesses
- Indigenous Procurement Policy website – including the Commonwealth Indigenous Procurement Policy document and information on Commonwealth and Portfolio Targets, Mandatory Set-Aside and Mandatory Minimum Indigenous Participation Requirements.
- Commonwealth Procurement Rules
Tenders information

Learn about how your business can tender for supply opportunities, including the process for tendering and how to find government opportunities. Local workshops are listed on the Capricorn Enterprise Business Events Calendar.
TenderLink – connecting suppliers and buyers online. Registering on this site allows downloading or uploading of tender documents and participation in tender forums.
QTenders – also available as a mobile app. Registering on this site allows download or uploading of tender documents and participation in tender forums. Includes tender and quote opportunities for Rockhampton Regional Council and Rookwood Weir.
LG Tenderbox – the online tendering portal for many Queensland local governments, statutory bodies and other public sector entities. LG tender box streamlines the Queensland public sector procurement process by providing an easy to use electronic system for organisations wishing to respond to public sector tenders. Includes tender and quote opportunities for Livingstone Shire Council.
ICN Gateway – Industry Capability Network (ICN) is a business network that introduces Australian and New Zealand companies to projects large and small. Includes opportunities for Rookwood Weir.
Major Projects News
13 October 2020 Carmichael Mine & Rail Project – October 2020 update – Construction of the Carmichael Mine & Rail Project is continuing on schedule. While COVID-19 restrictions have eased, the safety of people and communities is a priority and Adani Australia are following all regulations from Queensland Health and the Federal Government to manage the risk of the virus.
10 September 2020 Shoalwater Bay Jobs Hub kickstarts Capricorn Enterprise’s Work in Central Queensland platform – Increased connection and identification of the labour market, together with a diverse and large region boasting a range of employment opportunities has led to the development of Capricorn Enterprise’s ‘Work in Central Queensland’ portal.
Latest news –
Forums and Functions
Find the latest forums, functions and workshop details on our Business Events Calendar.
Presentations from past events can be accessed here.
PAST EVENT: Major Projects and Industry Forum 2024
PAST EVENT: Major Projects and Industry Forum 2023
PAST EVENT: Major Industry Forum 2022
PAST EVENT: Major Projects Forum – 29 October 2021 – Once again, the very well attended and successful 2021 forum saw presenters provide local industry with important updates on project progress and regional economic conditions. Subscribe to the Capricorn Enterprise electronic newsletter for updates on future forums and further information.
PAST EVENT: Major Projects Forum – 29 October 2020 – The very successful 2020 forum saw presenters updating local industry on project progress. Subscribe to the Capricorn Enterprise electronic newsletter for updates on future forums and further information.
Presentations from the event can be accessed here.
PAST EVENT: Major Projects Forum – 25 October 2019 – The very successful 2019 forum saw presenters updating local industry on project progress.
PAST EVENT: Major Projects Forum – 8 November 2018 The 2018 Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum was the premier project forum in the region highlighting projects in the key sectors of Defence, Resources and General Infrastructure (including Renewables).

*Disclaimer: this information is provided as a guide only – Capricorn Enterprise has collated this information to the best of our knowledge, relying upon external sources.