Shoalwater Bay Jobs Hub kickstarts Capricorn Enterprise’s Work in Central Queensland platform
Posted on September 10th, 2020
Increased connection and identification of the labour market, together with a diverse and large region boasting a range of employment opportunities has led to the development of Capricorn Enterprise’s ‘Work in Central Queensland’ portal.
The industry platform, which was identified as a requirement by the Central Queensland Major Project Workforce Alliance (CQMPWA) (a strong collaboration with Construction Skills Queensland and our major project proponents) earlier this year, is positioned to be a valuable commodity for local employment markets, spanning from the mining sector to agriculture, infrastructure, Defence, tourism and hospitality, together with big business and research in major towns.
Searching for specific skills and specialties, along with the provision of training opportunities to safely upskill workers and transition them into production quicker, ‘Work in Central Queensland’ will integrate the job seeking labour market with local employment opportunities and key project information across the CQ region.
Developed in partnership with Australian-based developer, uWorkin, the online and mobile solution will benefit a myriad of people from job seekers, employment-focused community groups, training organisations, councils, employers of all sizes together with many other groups. ‘Work in Central Queensland’ will deliver smart matching of interested talent, strong communities, and localization of jobs, skills, talent, and capital.
The Shoalwater Bay Jobs hub is one of the first employers to sign up to the new platform, providing a catalyst for not only supporting project outcomes resulting in more production and better local labour, but their investment will lead many other collaboration initiatives amongst supply chain and economy into the future.
Capricorn Enterprise CEO, Mary Carroll said, “We are pleased to launch this new ‘Work in Central Queensland’ site within the CQ community and welcome Shoalwater Bay Jobs onboard.”
“With $4.5 billion dollars-worth of major infrastructure developments planned and underway during this decade of development, we face shortage of up to 3000 workers, which conversely presents a greater opportunity to attract workers and their families from densely populated areas within the nation, to a regional lifestyle.”
“The CQMPWA has been working towards a solution of worker shortage across the past eighteen months that will cement CQ as a destination of choice for skills development, jobs, lifestyle choices, population growth and economic prosperity,” Mary said.
With hero brands such as Shoalwater Bay ready to launch their ‘hub’ as part of the Shoalwater Bay Training Area Remediation Project, ‘Work in Central Queensland’ will aim to connect workers with all employment opportunities with every contractor within the supply chain, ensuring smaller businesses equal playing ground.
Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry MP said the creation of the Work in Central Queensland site and the Shoalwater Bay Jobs hub was years in the making.
“In 2018, I invited Ben Hughes from Hughes et al to present to a group of CQ business owners to present his ideas for a solution to bring skilled workers and their families to the region. Ever since, he has worked collaboratively with Capricorn Enterprise and I’m happy to see their solution come to life.
“More and more opportunities for work on the expansion of the Shoalwater Bay Training Area are opening every day. The Federal Government is committed to to maximising opportunities for local businesses across the life of the ASMTI through its Local Industry Capability Plan.
“With the Shoalwater Bay Jobs hub, we will see more and more local businesses seize the ample employment opportunities around Shoalwater Bay Training Area Expansion.
“I want to thank Mary Carroll, Ben Hughes and the CQ small business community for embracing this solution in attracting more skilled workers to the region.
“I also wish to thank Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds and Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price for their continued support of the Shoalwater Bay Training Area expansion and the Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative,” Ms Landry said.
Recognising that partnership and collaboration is vital now and towards the future, Capricorn Enterprise, together with the CQMPWA and with the support of Shoalwater Bay and other employers across the region, will continue to expand and evolve the opportunity-based platform to create an ongoing strong and beneficial community.
“Whether you are looking for a new job, or an employer looking to fill a role, this free service is a way to stay connected and discover opportunities,” Neil Lethlean, Capricorn Enterprise Regional Economic Development Manager said.
“It is easy to sign up, and easy to use, so we invite everyone to register today and start gaining access to local job prospects.”
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