Capricorn Enterprise continues to lobby for accommodation and tourism sector
Posted on April 29th, 2020
Last week, Capricorn Enterprise CEO, Mary Carroll, on behalf of our regional tourism industry, called on State Government to ease restrictions for our region, after no new cases of COVID-19 were recorded.
Whilst the tourism community was relieved to hear of the Premier’s announcement on Sunday 26th April allowing individuals and families to travel within 50km’s of their homes for recreational and non-essential purposes (including national parks, scenic lookouts and beaches) from May, we have further requested that State Government consider additional relaxing of restrictions over the coming fortnight to provide some relief for the regions.
“Acknowledging that we still have a long way to go before returning to ‘normal’, I have asked on behalf of our accommodation operators if this can be extended to locals booking and staying overnight or for a weekend getaway in an apartment or unit within their 50km boundary,” said Mary.
“I have been lobbying for key issues on behalf of our industry in very regular teleconferences for a number of weeks now with the State Minister for Tourism, the Department of Tourism, Tourism and Events Queensland and the Queensland Tourism Industry Council together with my RTO colleagues, and I am so very appreciative of our tourism teamwork in achieving these results at the very highest level.”
A highly populated city versus regional Queensland needs to be reviewed differently and our closed businesses need revenue in June at the very latest. A suburb in Brisbane is from eight to twelve thousand people and when you consider the Capricorn Coast is 25,000 people, it seems logical that our regional community within Central Queensland should be able to treat themselves in an overnight stay in a commercial accommodation property or catch a day ferry to Great Keppel Island.
“I’ve also asked and awaiting clarification from the State tourism minister in relation to a ferry transfer to Great Keppel Island being within the 50km rules.”
“Capricorn Enterprise is grateful for the Premier acknowledging publicly that one size does not fit all in our vast state and we are hopeful of hearing more positive news around a further lifting of restrictions for our local industry, as businesses need to re-open as soon as possible,” said Mary.
“On behalf of our members and broader business community, Capricorn Enterprise has been lobbying State and Federal Government on a number of key issues, with success so far including payroll tax, land tax, and a number of other fees and charges and we will continue to work hard to represent our business needs.”
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