Second instalment of campaign keeps dreams alive

View the 60 second clip here –

“Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.” – Laureth Rumble, Pumpkin Island

The richness of experiencing a trip away, even among the beauty of your own backyard, provides priceless memories, enriches knowledge, and extends your horizons. Which is why Capricorn Enterprise, supported by Livingstone Shire Council, as part of their Visit Capricorn recovery strategy, is releasing the second instalment of their multi-media campaign, encouraging the region to start planning some weekend adventures and start booking accommodation and tourism experiences from 13th June within the 250km boundary.

As restrictions further ease across the State, and local tourism operators prepare to re-open their doors to the public (from 13th June), familiar faces of our local tourism industry continue to passionately send a message to the community of what it will mean for them to welcome friendly faces and begin accepting forward bookings.

The powerful, 30-second television advertisement, developed locally in conjunction with Mad Dog Productions, along with social media and online awareness, features battling accommodation and tourism experiences who have fought their hardest battle to date following the global health and economic pandemic that has recently swept the world.

With their boats back out on the water this week after months of no operations, Max Allen Jnr from Freedom Fast Cats is looking forward to the industry picking up again and being able to take locals on the 30-minute ferry shuttle to experience our beautiful Great Keppel Island. “We are excited to hear the phones ringing, the boats going back out, and people starting to appreciate our area once again,” Max Allen from Freedom Fast Cats said.

Following the success of the first instalment, part two of the campaign features many of our much-loved destinations including Pumpkin Island, Rosslyn Bay Resort, Great Keppel Island, Capricorn Caves, Dreamtime Cultural Centre and Empire Apartment Hotel, along with a suite of others.

The ongoing call to arms, was developed in conjunction with the immense support of local businesses, creating a meaningful, raw, and emotional plea for the community to start booking their day trips and weekend adventures within their boundaries.

“Without dreams, you’ve got nothing to look forward to.”- John Martin, Fern’s Hideaway Resort.

View the 60 second clip here –

Dream big and get ready to holiday –

Image: Jordan Wheeler, Capricorn Caves

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