Interstate borders open this Friday 10th July (except Victoria)

From 12 noon this Friday 10 July, any person from all States and Territories, except Victoria, may enter Queensland subject to completing and signing a border declaration. Queensland’s borders will remain closed to anyone who has been in Victoria within the past 14 days.  Anyone entering Queensland from Victoria from 10 July will be subject to mandatory hotel quarantine.
Find out more. 

Stage 3 Easing of Restrictions have been in place from midday, Friday 3 July, including border changes. 

A better solution has been negotiated with the Chief Health Officer who has approved an adjustment to the Tourism and Accommodation Plan. From Friday, 3 July, tourism experiences (i.e. tours, trips, boat trips, charter boats, hot air balloons, scenic flights, bicycle tours, gondolas and bus tours)  may seat guests together during the tourism experience with eased social distancing requirements up to a maximum of 50 people. Tourism experiences taking up this option must complete and comply with the checklist that has been added to the Industry Plan (it is at the end of the document).

Please check out the tourism and accommodation industry plan and the checklist via the links below:

This update provides you with further information on Stage 3 Easing of Restrictions COVID Safe planning for your business, training and financial support.

New to this updated edition:

  • Stage 3 Easing of Restrictions, opening of Qld borders and what this means for your business
  • New Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events 
  • New Approved Industry COVID Safe Plans available 
  • Round 2 of the Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant program is open and taking applications
  • #SupportSmall campaign encourages people to shop locally and share the stories of the people behind the business
  • The Domestic Passenger Journey Protocol for Australia’s aviation industry provides guidelines for COVID-safe domestic air travel. 

Read the full update here – View Online

Stage 3 Easing of Restrictions

Stage 3 Easing of Restrictions is in place from midday Friday 3 July, including border changes.

In this section you can: 

Read the full update here – View Online

NEW Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events

Queensland’s Chief Health Officer has approved an Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events

All event organisers need to familiarise themselves with the approved Industry Framework as it is applicable for all events, setting out the key principles and strategies to limit the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in event environments.

Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events

Fact Sheet – Documentation and Approvals

FAQs Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events

Other fact sheets to assist event organisers to understand the Framework are available at

* The COVID Safe Events Checklist will be published shortly and added to the framework document linked above and as a separate document here. Please check back. 

Read the full update here – View Online

COVID Safe Businesses – what you need to do

Option 1: Operating within baseline restrictions – as per the roadmap

All businesses:

  • must heed social distancing of 1.5 metres for staff and customers. 
  • can have the maximum number of customers at any one time as the one person per four square metre limit allows. Smaller venues up to 200 square metres are allowed one per person per two square metres (up to 50 people at a time). 
  • must have a current Work Health and Safety Plan that has COVID Safe strategies in place. This plan does not need to be submitted for approval and should be made available if requested. Details on how to develop your WHS Plan are here.
  • must collect contact information for all customers, guests and staff for contact tracing purposes, including name, address and mobile phone number for a period of at least 56 days (see Fact Sheet: Collecting and storing customer information during COVID-19).
  • must increase cleaning and hygiene practices, especially on high touch areas such as screens, counter-tops and serving areas, handrails, elevator panels, door handles, trolleys and seats.

Option 2: Operating beyond the baseline restrictions 

  • If you want to operate beyond the baseline restrictions, then as well as the above requirements, you need to comply with the relevant approved Industry COVID-Safe Plan that your business fits within.These plans are being developed by industry groups and provided to Queensland Government for approval. More information below. 
  • Any high risk businesses, such as cafes, restaurants, beauty therapists and nail salons will need a COVID Safe checklist in place, regardless of the number of patrons. If your business has opted-in to compliance with an approved Industry COVID Safe Plan, you no longer require a COVID Safe Checklist.
  • If you are a large and unique site you need to develop a Site Specific COVID Safe Plan and you need to submit it to (You can check the definition here)

Additional information in the update includes:

  • Developing an Industry COVID Safe Plan for your business
  • COVID Safe Training and Support
  • Business Support

Read the full update here – View Online

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