Capricorn Enterprise’s ‘Work in Central Queensland’ platform gains momentum

Following its launch back in September this year, Capricorn Enterprise’s Work in Central Queensland platform continues to grow and strengthen as more jobseekers and employers look to connect and discover opportunities across the region.

With the internet now an essential employment resource for many of today’s recruitment prospects, the free service was implemented to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for online employment links and information within the labour market.

Featuring easy navigation and highly targeted resources for both jobseekers and employers, 1069 diverse and exciting career options have been advertised on the site since inception, in locations right across the Central Queensland footprint.

A total of 79 active employers and jobseekers utilised the site’s features throughout the month of October discovering a diverse range of active jobs including roofing trades, excavator operators, structural steel fabrication supervisors in Rockhampton, administrative officers, store managers, island managers at Pumpkin Island, quantity surveyors, station hands, water treatment plant operators and fruit pickers in Central Highlands.

Capricorn Enterprise CEO, Mary Carroll expects that the site will continue expanding and evolving as more resources, industry offerings and employment assistance becomes available.

“The Work in Central Queensland platform is more than just a job hub, offering value-packed fact sheets, a community notice board containing the latest regional news and information, local employer profiles and the opportunity for jobseekers to build their own AirCV,” Mary said.

“It’s a great place for the entire community to stay connected and explore new possibilities in a variety of industries from construction and infrastructure, Defence, education and training, government and public safety, health care and social assistance to mining, resources and energy.”

With the platform currently advertising 171 jobs in retail, 140 jobs in health, medical and pharmaceutical, 22 jobs in government, Defence and emergency, 53 jobs in mining oil and gas, 170 trades and services, 79 in hospitality, travel and tourism and 70 in education childcare and training, among a range of other sectors, the Central Queensland region is teeming with job options.

“During this decade of development, we are witnessing $4.6 billion dollars-worth of major infrastructure projects planned and underway, presenting employment opportunities and promoting CQ as a destination of choice for skills development, jobs, lifestyle choices, population growth and economic prosperity,” Mary said.

Developed in partnership with Australian-based developer, uWorkin, the valuable tool that delivers smart matching of interested talent and localization of jobs, skills and capital, is already demonstrating benefits for a myriad of people from job seekers, employment-focused community groups, training organisations, councils and employers of all sizes.

The online job feed throughout the month of October showed Rockhampton (382 jobs), Gladstone (129 jobs), Emerald (61 jobs), Capricorn Coast (29 jobs) and Blackwater (20 jobs) as locations moderately dense with vacant positions, while a large number of smaller regional towns such as Springsure, Woorabinda, Duaringa, Boyne Island and Bajool also presented opportunities.

Whether you are looking for a new job, or a local business looking to fill a role, this service is the ideal way to stay connected and discover new opportunities. Capricorn Enterprise encourages employers and jobseekers to join the Work in Central Queensland community to stay informed and up to date. Read the latest notices on what’s happening in our region, including the report on the Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum which includes a link to the presentations shown on the day.

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