See the Reef – Love the Reef – Protect the Reef. You can help protect the Reef by visiting it…

The Great Barrier Reef is a coral reef of global significance.  It  is the sea country home for more than 70 Traditional Owner groups, whose connections to the marine environment date back more than 60,000 years. 

The reef tourism industry showcases the outstanding values of this place to the world, stretching 2,300 km across 2,900 reefs and 900 islands making it the earths largest coral reef ecosystem.  As big as 70 million football fields all stitched together!

We are aware we that our Reef is facing a heat-threat at this point in time, as always we are committed to providing world-class experiences above and below the water for visitors to our beautiful and awe-inspiring Reef.

Like coral reefs all around the world our reef is under pressure from a variety of challenges, including the latest heat stress in the northern, central and southern parts of the marine park. More than anyone, we as tourism operators know how important protecting the Reef is, and we are contributing to its protection by helping to monitor changes constantly.

It’s a huge area to monitor, and no one organisation can hope to cover this massive area, so we know how important the information we provide to organisations such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

We are the ‘eyes and ears’ of what’s happening on the Reef every day. We take people to the Reef to see the wonders of the Reef for themselves, and they leave being strong advocates for looking after the Reef for future generations to enjoy.

Visitors from around Australia and the world can help protect the Reef, come and experience the Reef with us, help our dedicated teams to monitor the Reef and be inspired by its beauty.  We are committed to sharing our Reef with the world and showcasing what we can all do, in our schools, homes and businesses to protect the Reef.

We invite you to come and see for yourself what’s going on in the Reef – we guarantee you’ll be inspired and leave the Reef wanting to help in any way you can.

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