Why we should be talking about accessible tourism

Queensland is an incredible state in which to travel and holiday, but for the almost 4 million Australians living with a disability, our iconic destinations, experiences and venues are sometimes inaccessible. 

It is important that the tourism industry seriously consider this often overlooked sector of the visitor economy, and make every effort to be more inclusive and welcoming. Ensuring that tourism is accessible is not only an important step in achieving a more inclusive Queensland, but it also translates to big business.

In 2018, people living with an accessibility challenge or disability contributed a staggering $10.8 billion tourism spend to the Australian economy. The significant dollars highlight the opportunity for our tourism sector. 

We encourage operators and businesses to consider the many benefits that accessible tourism brings to our society and industry, and to take the first steps towards engaging with this important visitor sector by utilising QTIC’s Accessibility Accreditation Module. The accessibility self-assessment module provides businesses with a valuable evaluation toolkit to assess how inclusive their experience offering is for people living with accessibility limitations. 

Let us work together to ensure that every visitor holidaying in Queensland has an incredible and memorable experience. 

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