Public feedback sought on updated crocodile management plan
Posted on May 14th, 2024
The Queensland Government has reviewed its crocodile management plan and has released an updated plan which includes updates to the existing crocodile management zones as well as specific information about the risks and management responses for each zone and how problem crocodiles are identified and targeted for removal.
The number of crocodile management zones will reduce from six to four and three specific areas –and a number of lagoons in the Rockhampton Region as well as the Tyto Wetlands in the Hinchinbrook Shire and Southedge Dam in Mareeba Shire – are being re-zoned. It also includes the launch of proactive trials of hazing in the Fitzroy River in Rockhampton to change crocodile behaviour and drive the reptiles upstream and away from the city.
Public consultation on the new plan closes on Wednesday 5 June. Feedback received will be reviewed before the plan is finalised and implemented later this year. To have your say, you can either:
1. Complete the online survey or
2. Lodge a written submission:
or Post:
Queensland Crocodile Management Plan consultation
Department of Environment and Science
GPO Box 2454
Brisbane Qld 4001
Read the media release here – .
Crocodile Management Plan Revised Draft for Consultation Qld%20Crocodile%20Management%20Plan%20-%20revised%20draft%20for%20consultation.pdf
Summary of key changes