Become a Guardian of the Great Barrier Reef

Travelers can now play an active role in protecting the Great Barrier Reef through the new “Guardian of the Reef” platform.

This global initiative, launched by Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) in partnership with Expedia and working alongside all ten regions (including the Capricorn Coast) that take in the reef, from Bundaberg up to the Tropical North, encouraging visitors to make reef-positive travel choices while learning about sustainability and the importance of the Reef’s preservation.

By becoming a Guardian, you’ll support local sustainable businesses, like Capricorn Coast’s ecotourism operators, contribute to conservation efforts, and gain a deeper appreciation for this World Heritage site. The platform offers short educational videos and fast facts, to help visitors understand how to respect and protect the Reef. There is a tiered process, with up to 20% off available to use with eco-certified operators, to encourage visitors to explore eco-friendly experiences like guided tours with Master Reef Guides.

With the Capricorn Coast’s recently securing Ecotourism Australia destination certification, this is a fantastic time to visit, learn, and become a champion for one of the world’s most precious ecosystems.

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