Urgent Plea for Great Keppel Island Jetty/Break Wall

Accessibility, safety and beach protection for passengers and ferries to Great Keppel Island is critical. 

Ferry Operators to Great Keppel Island are desperate for government commitment to expedite planning and the necessary funding for a break wall, Jetty and Barge Ramp. 

The region’s peak tourism and economic development Organisation is calling for urgent action by state government candidates in the upcoming election to be pro-active on this critical issue.

Capricorn Enterprise CEO Mary Carroll said “Hundreds of thousands of non-recoverable dollars are being lost by our ferry operators each year on damaged props due to the difficult and sometimes dangerous weather conditions associated with landing directly onto Fisherman’s beach.”

“Great Keppel Island, our hard working tourism operators and our visitors deserve better. We have consistently advocated for accessible access for all visitors to the island, with the protection of its beaches to erosion just as important” she said.

Freedom Fast Cats owner Max Allen Snr said “I am beyond frustrated by decades of red and green tape associated with Great Keppel Island.  The cost of running business is difficult enough without increasing state government taxes as well as losing hundreds of dollars in destroyed props which my business cannot claim on insurance.”

“The stress caused to passengers and crew to ensure the safe landing of vessels and the embarking and disembarking of our guests during sometimes extremely challenging weather is very real. We work hard to provide a great experience for all passengers, including those with disabilities; we don’t think it’s too much to ask for government to invest in the island and our visitors of all abilities” he said.

Keppel Konnections and Great Keppel Island Hideaway Manager Kelly Harris said “our vessels have also suffered significant prop damage by having to land directly onto the beach plus the Hideaway has invested in excess of $2 million dollars on the stabilization of Putney beach already.”

“We have recently received approval from Council to construct an additional 24 cabins, subject to the renourishment of 11,000 cubic metres of sand on the Putney Beach revetment wall, but this alone will not address the long term erosion issue; a solution will only be achieved with a jetty / groyne or break wall combination. This critical infrastructure would not only provide safe landing for island visitors but also open up further sustainable development to help GKI reach its full potential.”


The Great Keppel Island (Wop-pa) Concept Master Plan released in April 2024 by the State government after two years of rigorous stakeholder engagement, clearly acknowledges the need for maritime access including a Mini Safe Harbour and Jetty at the Spit and northern end of Fisherman’s Beach (pages 47, 53, 54). 

Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ), a division of the Department of Transport and Main Roads, developed a high-level assessment of potential options in 2022 with the GKI Master Plan stating  “…land tenure and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) zoning constraints, and native title and cultural heritage matters have the potential to impact the preferred location, scope, visual amenity and cost…there is further work to be undertaken to inform the best solution for maritime access to the Island.”

Read previous story here: https://capricornenterprise.com.au/2024/01/25-million-reasons-for-a-great-keppel-island-jetty/

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