Our Way of Life

The liveability of the Capricorn Coast/Rockhampton Region is about more than just the sum of its parts:

  • A sustainable population of approximately 126,000; projected to increase to about 160,000 by 2041;
  • An impressive range of employment, health, sporting and cultural facilities;
  • Central location and easy accessibility – an hour’s flight or a easy day’s drive from the capital, Brisbane;
  • Real lifestyle opportunities in one of the best tropical climates in Australia;
  • Housing diversity including affordable housing;
  • Strong community and social networks;
  • Abundant water reserves; and
  • A resilient economy.

For more information on our region, click here https://livecapricorncoast.com.au/

Link to Live Capricorn Coast website with text Live your best life! The Capricorn Coast is an exciting, diverse and breathtakingly beautiful region to live and work.

Affordable homes

  • Median house price
    • $625,000 – Livingstone Shire Council (Capricorn Coast) area
    • $380,000 – Rockhampton Regional Council area
    • DNRM, Office of the Valuer-General, Property Sales (December quarter 2023)
  • Median weekly rental price for two-bedroom flats or units
    • $330/week – Rockhampton Regional Council area
    • $430/week – Livingstone Shire Council (Capricorn Coast) area
    • Rental Tenancy Authority (March quarter 2024)
  • Median weekly rental price for three-bedroom houses
    • $450 – Rockhampton Regional Council area
    • $550 – Livingstone Shire Council (Capricorn Coast) area
    • Rental Tenancy Authority (March quarter 2024)


  • The Region’s diverse economic base and job opportunities revolve around the retail, health, education and training, engineering, construction and manufacturing industries.
  • The mining, manufacturing, construction, agricultural, health, education and retail sectors account for 65% of the job market in the Rockhampton Region.


  • CQUniversity Australia headquarters and main campus
  • 33,238 students from more than 100 countries
  • CQUniversity, as a dual sector university, supports the region’s strong emphasis on apprenticeships and traineeships
  • Centre of excellence for education
  • With numerous training organisations supporting business


  • Located on the Tropic of Capricorn with a subtropical climate.
  • Typical daytime temperature ranges are between 22 and 32 degrees Celsius in the summer, and 9 to 23 degrees Celsius in the winter.



Capricorn Coast
