Koorana - Latest News

Crocodile courtship results in 54 nests for 2024

Koorana Crocodile Farm is excited to see the start of baby crocs entering the world for 2024 after 2000 eggs from 54 nests were collected across the season. Despite it being an unnormal season for the crocs with uncontrollable natural… Read more »

Koorana Crocodile Farm and 4 Boys and a Caravan feature on Channel 9’s My Way at 5:30pm this Sunday

From snappy crocs and sustainability of these prehistoric beasts, to a full time travel family who have the Capricorn Coast at the top of their holiday hotspots, this week’s edition of My Way on Channel 9 is set to showcase… Read more »

New life begins at Koorana Crocodile Farm

It’s a shellabration of new life at Koorana Crocodile Farm over the coming months, as loads of baby crocs emerge from their shells and get ready to snap into life on the outside. The first nest of the season hatched… Read more »

Koorana’s ongoing fight for survival – adopt a croc

Upon temporarily closing their doors to the public last month, Koorana Crocodile Farm were devastated as they watched their tours halt and cash flow immediately cease. The working farm, established is 1981 started a new industry for Queensland, but with… Read more »