Summer Campaign Advertising Opportunity

We are gearing up to roll out another Summer Campaign for the upcoming 2016/17 Christmas/New Year period! This Campaign will be promoting the Rockhampton Region and Capricorn Coast targeting the >400km drive radius. The Campaign is designed to aid all tourism and hospitality businesses to build their shoulder periods over the Christmas/New Year season and develop a strong lead up to Australia Day. All members of Capricorn Enterprise are encouraged to submit a special offer for this period, these offers will be listed on, which will be the primary ‘call to action’. All Campaign activity will be driven to this website.

For full details, please refer to the attached advertising campaign proposal.

This campaign will run from 13th November to 29th January.

The campaign will air across Seven, WIN and Imparja Networks and also include extensive advertising on our social media channels.

Only $40 + GST per listing

To be included in this campaign, please return this form and your advertising material by Thursday 3rd November to Ellie Tonkin

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of the marketing team.

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