Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef – Help us recruit the first 5,000 Citizens!

In just a few weeks we launch our website to the world, coinciding with the annual coral spawning event.

We’ve set ourselves a target of recruiting 5,000 Citizens by November and are reaching out to you, the tourism industry, businesses and all other organisations and communities along the GBR and beyond, to help us reach this goal by encouraging people you know to become Citizens.

This first wave of Citizens will form the foundations of our global community. We are launching with a number of core actions which Citizens can join, each positively impacting the Reef. Citizens will also be able to follow, learn about and support projects happening on the Reef and meet the dedicated people making them happen.

To make our global launch a success, we need your help to recruit 5,000 Citizens:

  1. If you haven’t already, sign up as a Citizen!
  2. Ensure your work colleagues are also signed up – they will play a crucial role in spreading the word.
  3. Once you have signed up / logged in, you’ll be provided a personal link. Share this with your friends, family and networks along the Reef and beyond, encouraging them to join.

Each Citizen who signs up using this link will be attributed back to you, growing your personal impact score. You can track your impact score on the website – it’s displayed in the top-left corner next to your profile picture.

We all live, love and rely on the Great Barrier Reef so let’s get busy recruiting and make our global launch a huge success! If we make a collective effort to build a solid foundation for our movement, who knows how big it can become.

Thanks for your ongoing support,

Citizens HQ

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