Queensland coal – 15 facts you need to know
Posted on April 24th, 2019
Queensland Coal and the mining sector are important, not just to our region, but as the economic powerhouse of the state and nation. From the people directly employed in the industry, contributions to community organisations and direct spend in the local economy to the meeting of world demand with some of the highest quality coal in the world, Queensland Coal has considerable flow on benefits for our region.
- Queensland has three primary Coal Regions – Surat, Bowen and Galilee Basins
- Only 0.1% of Queensland’s entire land mass is disturbed by coal mines
- 3,211 people living in the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast region are DIRECTLY employed in the mining industry (Source: ABS Census 2016)
- 8,538 people living in Central Queensland are DIRECTLY employed in the mining industry
- One third of people working in the mining industry in the Central Highlands (Emerald etc) and Banana Shires (Biloela etc) LIVE in the Rockhampton/Capricorn Coast region and commute to work
- Mining industry paid more than $290 Million in wages to full time mine workers living in the Rockhampton (RRC) and Capricorn Coast (LSC) region and spent $461 Million in the local economy. (Source: Qld Resources Council 2018)
- 407 Community Organisations in Central Queensland were supported by the resources sector during 2017/18 (Source: Lawrence Consulting report; QRC 2018)
- Surat and Bowen Basins support in excess of 55 operating coal mines; 37 of these produce metallurgical coal.
- 70% of Queensland’s coal exports are metallurgical coal. Global steel production is dependent upon metallurgical coal.
- The Galilee Basin has a reported 15 primary coal deposits in which there are 7 identified Projects including: China Stone, Carmichael, North Alpha, Kevins Corner, Alpha Coal, China First and South Galilee.
- The world’s energy demand is growing with India, China, SE Asia and the Middle East demand leaders.
- In 2017, Global coal production increased by 3.2% driven by increases in both China (3.6%) and US (6.9%) with coal fired power generation representing the largest source of global power generation capacity.
- Queensland has some of the highest quality coal in the world, with the current void in coal supply from Australia being taken up by other supply nations with lower quality coal.
- In 2017 the total imports of coal across ten (10) importing Countries was 740 Million tonne – with Australia accounting for 195 Million tonne, demonstrating that other nations are capable of supplying total global coal demand.
- Demand for Galilee Basin coal is extremely strong with countries such as China, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan plus others across Asia indicating high-end demand to support their continued growth and emergence from third-world scenarios.
Source: ABS 2016 Census, Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy, Qld Resources Council, Qld Treasury
PDF – Queensland coal – 15 facts you need to know