Rookwood Weir Project – Associated Infrastructure – Riverslea Bridge

The Queensland Government has nominated Sunwater as the Construction Authority, Operator and Water Marketer for the Rookwood Weir Project (the Project) and has authorised commencement of procurement activity pursuant to the appointment by Sunwater of suitably qualified project delivery partners.

Rookwood Weir will support local economic growth by providing water for future agricultural diversification and industrial development and improved urban water security for Central Queensland.

Sunwater is committed to delivering water for prosperity, benefiting Central Queensland communities, agriculture and industrial enterprise. We are committed to facilitating local job and procurement opportunities and delivering regional economic benefit wherever possible throughout the planning and construction of Rookwood Weir.  Throughout the life of the Project, Sunwater will work closely with interested parties to explore all available business opportunities and will engage with future customers as part of its water sales and marketing plan.

Construction of Riverslea Bridge forms part of the Enabling Works within the overall Rookwood Weir Project. The road approach and bridge construction is required in Rockhampton Regional Council (RRC) authorised areas. The construction project will involve stakeholder engagement with RRC to complete the road and bridge. 

As part of our landmark Rookwood Weir Project,  Sunwater has released the tender for the Riverslea Bridge upgrade on QTenders –

Invitation to Offer
Tender Number: ITT19SW00278
Released: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 at 1:31PM Brisbane, Queensland
Closing: Thu, 19 Dec 2019 at 2:00PM Brisbane, Queensland

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