Building success for our region
Posted on April 28th, 2020
5 minutes with Capricorn Enterprise Member, Master Builders (QLD)
A passionate advocate for his members and for the Central Queensland building and construction industry as well as the economic development of our region, Dennis Bryant from Master Builders took some time to share information on their recent successes, challenges and future goals.
Tell us about yourself Dennis?
I am the Central Queensland Regional Manager for Master Builders, providing contractual, technical and legal assistance to our members who are generally made up of small to medium builders and trade contractors. My region covers 20% of the state stretching from Marlborough to Miriam Vale and from the Capricorn Coast to the Northern Territory border.
I am also an accredited trainer in Business Management for Trade Contractors, Removal of non-Friable Asbestos and General Safety.
Born and raised in Clermont I travelled away for work and later returned as the Town Supervisor for the Blair Athol Coal Project from 1983 to 1993. I moved to the Capricorn Coast in 2002, having completed a degree in Information Systems at the Australian Catholic University.
I have lived and worked in many Australian states and have experience in Agriculture, Wholesale and Retail, Information Technology, the Resource Industries of Iron Ore and Coal, Hospitality, Tourism, Research and the Building and Construction Industry.
Tell us about Master Builders?
Master Builders is a peak industry association, representing more than 8500 members within building and construction. Since 1882, our Queensland-based body has supported our members to operate professional and profitable businesses that deliver superior quality outcomes to their customers.
As the number one source of practical and relevant building information, we keep our members informed with regular updates on changes to laws, codes and regulations, employment and wages, and health, safety and environment.
Master Builders relies on strength in numbers to represent the interests of our industry. The stronger our membership base, the louder our voice. Our unified approach and commitment to comprehensive research and assessment of industry issues give us significant influence.
In today’s demanding work environment, where change is a constant, complexity is the norm, and new issues arise daily, having Master Builders as a single point to turn to is a distinct advantage to our members.
Share with us some recent project work in Capricornia?
Works currently in planning or underway include:
- ASMTI at Shoalwater Bay
- Shoalwater Bay refurbishment
- Northern Approach roadworks
- Gracemere – Rockhampton roadworks
- Clarke Creek Wind and Solar Farm
- Proposed Rockhampton Ring Road
There are several other proposed projects still to come off the drawing board as well as activity in the coal and gas resources sector.
How do you see the current state of the building and construction industry?
The building and construction industry has been regarded as an essential service during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Our members have been able to continue to work and keep their staff, subcontractors and suppliers busy and productive, which is great for the region in general.
This is probably the most active the Construction Industry has been in CQ in the past 3 years. Whilst some contracts have been lost due to uncertainty of being able to finance others have been signing up contracts, which has provided us with ongoing work and hopefully it will continue.
Master Builders at a State level are calling for Federal and State initiatives to keep the industry active including a revamped home buyers scheme, introducing a household resilience scheme similar to the cyclone resilience scheme and moving forward with planned construction projects in schools, public buildings, social housing and infrastructure.
Whilst Central Queensland is very active that cannot be said for many other regions. There has been a slowing of construction particularly in the residential sector and the forecast is that will get worse. Commercial construction activity is also falling back.
The major projects in CQ will provide a huge demand in the Civil sector with ancillary works for the building and construction industry.
The value of these works for the CQ economy is enormous, however, the challenge that we continue to face is the demand for workers and tradespeople is outstripping our local supply.
The projects will also see an increase in demand for accommodation which will provide further opportunity for investment as current vacancy rates are at an all-time low.
Tell us about your experience as a Capricorn Enterprise member?
Capricorn Enterprise always has their fingers on the pulse with Economic Development and are able to connect us with key project proponents. Master Builders receives great benefits of being a member of Capricorn Enterprise, particularly with their whole of region approach rather than being council centric. We find that the staff are always willing and ready to go the extra mile to provide up to date and relevant information.