Work in Paradise – promoting tourism jobs in Queensland

The Work in Paradise program has now been live for over a week, and it is attracting attention.

Firstly, a big thank you to all the Capricorn Enterprise Members who posted their hospitality and tourism jobs for free on the Work in Central Queensland platform, with these jobs being automatically aggregated and promoted to the Work in Paradise program.

The Work in Paradise Tourism and Hospitality Jobs website has had nearly 40 000 page views, with 580 people now registered to the site, which is a mix of employers and employees. Over 70 employers have uploaded their jobs for free, in addition to the jobs scraped to the site, with more than 1135 jobs now on the site.  It’s a great showcase of the great diversity and range of jobs available in Queensland’s tourism industry.

Don’t forget that employers can post jobs, find and follow up on applicants at no cost, download resumes, export information, shortlist and archive applicants. It enables the integration of job searches into social media strategies as jobs can be shared directly from the site via email or to any social media platform. If you want to go old school, you can create a printable poster and put it on a shopfront or noticeboard. 

Registered users of the websites will be receiving tips and tricks including requests for more employer profiles, which are a great tool to promote businesses to job seekers.

Over 100 job seekers have already received their first payment under the Work in Paradise incentive scheme with 95% of applicants also receiving the $250 travel bonus as they have relocated more than 100km for their new job.

You’re encouraged to share the Work in Central Queensland platform and the Work in Paradise with your stakeholders, include links to these on your own websites and post your jobs for free. While the Work in Paradise site showcases tourism jobs, the Work in Central Queensland site is for all industries.

Employer profiles for both the Work in Central Queensland platform and the Work in Paradise are welcome – please contact Carmel Humphries at Capricorn Enterprise, 07 4927 2055 for more information.

The Live Capricorn Coast website, developed by Capricorn enterprise, promotes the liveability of our region.

20 July 2021 – Work in Paradise media release –

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