Downer Manufacturing Forum – Opportunities to engage

Capricorn Enterprise hosted Downer Group on the 10th of February for the Downer Manufacturing Forum. Business, industry and potential suppliers were able to hear about opportunities with Downer Group in Queensland and learn more about pre-registration and pre-qualification as suppliers.

Over 50 attendees were able to hear from the Downer management team about opportunities in Facilities and Services, Defence Estate Management & Operations, Rail Manufacturing and Maintenance, with a specific presentation provided regarding the Queensland Train Manufacturing Program. 

A breakout session followed the presentations with an interactive Q&A, followed by the opportunity for attendees to meet with Downer representatives for one-one-one discussions.

The best way to become part of this exciting opportunity and journey is to begin pre-registration and pre-qualification as a supplier for Downer’s QTMP procurement program. This Supplier Portal can be found at: The Queensland Train Manufacturing Program (

Key Contacts

Downer has deployed a team of Local Industry Engagement specialists, who are specifically tasked with providing individualised guidance, assistance and support throughout the process and are available via the following means:

Paul Gibbs           

Paul Lilwall         

The QTMP provides a tremendous opportunity for local industry across Queensland and Australia. The Downer Group is seeking to engage and partner with, and pre-qualify, all sub-contractors and suppliers in construction, train manufacturing, manufacturing equipment, spare parts and services.  Please reach out to either engagement specialist in order to get access to the latest information and material or discuss the process.

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