Unemployment rates falling across the region

As unemployment across the Capricorn Coast and Rockhampton region dropped to 5.1% in December 2021, a rate not seen in more than 10 years, finding the right employee for your next vacancy is becoming more challenging. 

While there may be community scepticism regarding official unemployment data, with many people reporting that they would like to work more hours, the labour market continues to tighten across our region. Read the recent post by economist, Gene Tunny, on Unemployment here – queenslandeconomywatch.com/2022/04/13/unemployment-and-state-budgets-update

The www.workincentralqueensland.com.au platform allows employers to advertise their jobs for FREE, be promoted across complementary Facebook pages and Job Vacancy groups.

Employers are also encouraged to review the Resource Centre for support for finding staff, including wage subsidies, recruitment information and hiring apprentices and trainees.

If you have a current job vacancy, are you highlighting more than just the job vacancy? Highlight the opportunities for job seekers in joining your organisation and moving to the region. The livecapricorncoast.com.au is a great link to include in all your job vacancy ads to highlight the great opportunities for living in the Capricorn Coast and Rockhampton region.

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