Livingstone Shire Council and Rockhampton Regional Council – External Boundary Review – key reports, links and dates
Posted on June 15th, 2022
The Electoral Commission Queensland (ECQ) summarises this issue in one page with links to all reports –
The Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Conclusion:
Based on the financials information provided by LSC and RRC, the proposed transfer of the three suburbs of Glenlee, Rockyview and Glendale from LSC to RRC is forecast to have a negative impact on LSC’s financial profile and a marginal positive impact on RRC’s financial profile. Both councils would be facing financial challenges but may have some level of financial flexibility to respond. As a result of the proposed boundary change, the potential impact to ratepayers are as follows:
LSC ratepayers: LSC’s net operating result would be lower by $26.4 million over the forecast 2024–25 to 2030–31 period. This negative impact would potentially equate to $161 to $250 per rateable property per annum over that period.
RRC ratepayers: RRC’s net operating result would be higher by $5.7 million over the forecast 2024–25 to 2030–31 period. This positive impact would potentially equate to $36 to $14 per rateable property per annum over that period.
Three suburbs: RRC estimates an average rates and utilities bill for the three suburbs would be $4,627 in 2024–25, compared to LSC’s forecast rates and utility charges of $5,300 for that year. Therefore, the average rates and utilities bill for the three suburbs would be potentially lower by $673 in 2024–25. This comparative reduction is forecast to grow over the forecast period due to the different escalation rates assumed between LSC and RRC.

WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS are now invited and close on 5pm Monday 4th July 2022 – Visit the ECQ website – scroll down to the Public Consultation heading and click on the Online form or email
The Change Commission will publish all written submissions on the ECQ website and within its report, subject to the following publication guidelines PDF (0.21 MB).
VOLUNTARY SURVEY – from next Monday, 20 June to 5pm Monday, 4 July 2022, people on the electoral roll in LSC and RRC will be offered the opportunity to participate in a voluntary survey.
The survey will be mailed to each elector’s enrolled postal address in the week commencing 13 June 2022. The postal documentation will include:
Participation in, and the results of the survey will be an important consideration for the Change Commission. However, while informative, the survey results will not be binding on the Change Commission’s final recommendation.