Just one cup – eliminating single-use plastic in Central Queensland
Posted on July 26th, 2022
Plastic Free CQ has assisted local businesses and community groups for over 18 months. In that time, 64 members have joined, and 4 have moved to Champion status. PFCQ members have eliminated over 300k of single-use plastic from waste and/or litter streams in CQ and growing!
300k of single-use plastic eliminated with small changes that create long-lasting positive impacts on the environment and our local economy. The less waste we dump, the less we all pay! Landfills only have a certain lifespan then we need to build another. Less waste going to landfill saves Communities as a whole.
“It might be one cup”, you say, and so did 1 billion other people.
PFCQ provided businesses with options to single-use plastic, always choosing to reuse it as a first option. The most simple change at no cost to business is engaging reusable coffee cups, less waste, and less packaging are win-win for business.
Myths and Facts about single-use take-away coffee cups
- Single-use coffee cups don’t keep your coffee warmer.
- If mugs or cups are too big ask for a half serve.
- If you want to drink it all in one sitting, throw your reusable into your bag.
- Engage in a reusable cup system (Green Caffeen – Swap & Go Coffee Cups.
There is no excuse when dining in for single-use coffee.
Reusables are an available option now to businesses and the community. If you are a business owner and need help making reusables the norm in your space, contact Plastic Free CQ’s Coordinator Jo on 0408 873 047 jo@plasticfreecq.org to join today.