Ecotourism Australia – ECO Destination Certification
Posted on November 8th, 2022
Capricorn Coast granted $150,000 to achieve ECO Destination Certification
Congratulations to all recipients of the Eco Certified Tourism Destination program by the Queensland Government Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport (QTIS), providing up to $2 million in funding for local government areas to participate or expand their destination sustainability certification. The grant funding of up to $150,000 will support recipients to achieve globally recognised certification, positioning Queensland as a leader in sustainable tourism.
Livingstone Shire Council was one of 16 local government areas to receive a $150,000 grant to have the Capricorn Coast achieve Eco Destination Certification. The work will occur over the next 18 months to achieve this with the strong partnership of Capricorn Enterprise and our local tourism and business community.
Ecotourism Australia CEO, Ms Elissa Keenan, welcomes the announcement and is looking forward to working with Bundaberg, Scenic Rim, Townsville, Cassowary Coast, Gladstone, Gympie, Livingstone, Winton, and Mackay Councils in the coming months.
By becoming a certified ECO Destination, regions will join an established global network of over 200 like-minded destinations striving for ecotourism excellence. Ecotourism Australia’s ECO Destination Certification program uses the international Green Destinations framework recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), to assess a destination across multiple criteria.