Health workers embrace government incentives
Posted on May 30th, 2023
Queensland’s enviable lifestyle is helping lure unprecedented numbers of health professionals to rural and remote Queensland hospitals and health centres, including Central Queensland.
A reported 600 doctors, nurses and health professionals have so far answered the call to move to rural and remote Queensland communities as part of the State Government’s drive to attract health workers.
The workforce scheme to incentivise interstate and international health workers to move to Queensland, has attracted multiple applicants who can can nominate from one of more than 2400 community health centres as part of the Workforce Attraction Incentive Transfer Scheme. They must stay there
as their home for 12 months to qualify for the incentives.
Health workers who work interstate will receive payments of up to $20,000 if they make the decision to come and work for Queensland Health. Doctors who make the decision to take up a job in regional and remote Queensland will be paid up to an additional $70,000.
With global competition for health workers at an all-time high, the State government has put this program in place to attract and retain frontline health workers.
Ms Lauga said interstate and international healthcare workers who move into Queensland (including Brisbane) will receive a $10,000 incentive on commencement. They will receive another $10,000 after completing a full 12 months of service in Queensland.
Healthcare workers eligible for this incentive are: Medical doctors and specialists, nurses, Midwives, Allied health professionals, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce, Dentists, Oral Health Practitioner and Scientific Officers.
There will also be an incentive for medical practitioners who commence in a rural or remote location who will receive $25,000 after three months and a further $25,000 after 12 months. This payment is available to medical practitioners already working in Queensland.
Interstate and international medical practitioners will be eligible for both payments and stand to benefit by an additional $70,000 if they move to Queensland.