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Northern Australia Alliance in the nation’s capital

100 guests attended the Annual Northern Australia Statement function at Parliament House on Tuesday in Canberra hosted by the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources and Minister for Resources and Northern Australia… Read more »

2017 Best of Queensland to showcase state’s tourism gems

This week, Capricorn Enterprise was thrilled to host Tourism and Events Queensland and our local tourism operators to learn how to be part of a world-first marketing initiative to shine the spotlight on Queensland’s BEST tourism experiences. By identifying products… Read more »

Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef – Help us recruit the first 5,000 Citizens!

In just a few weeks we launch our website to the world, coinciding with the annual coral spawning event. We’ve set ourselves a target of recruiting 5,000 Citizens by November and are reaching out to you, the tourism industry, businesses… Read more »

Government the key to unlocking Tourism potential for Great Keppel Island

“Critical Infrastructure to support both community and visitors is the key to Great Keppel Island reaching its potential with increased tourism product, operators and jobs.” “Government at all levels has an opportunity to work together to provide the necessary infrastructure… Read more »

Singapore Ministerial Visit

Attending Exercise Wallaby for the first time (now in its 27th year at Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area), Second Minister for Defence Ong Ye Kung (also Minister for Education) not only joined servicemen from the 3rd Guards and Republic of… Read more »

Queensland Local Content Leaders Network {QLCLN}

Supporting Business Development and Conditions As a pro-active Member of the QLCLN via its Economic Development Unit, Capricorn Enterprise actively pursues improved business conditions and platforms in areas such as local content, developing industry capability, improved business trading terms plus… Read more »


Congratulations to Capricorn Caves in their recent runner-up award for the Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) Prize for Innovation in Tourism announced last week by Minister for Tourism the Hon Kate Jones MP. Now in its fifth year, the QTIC… Read more »


Today (Thursday, 5th October) in Brisbane, Minister for Tourism the Hon Kate Jones MP  announced a second group of young tourism leaders, with not one, but TWO local Young Tourism Leaders in our Capricorn Region – Zac Garven (Cassidy Hospitality… Read more »


Congratulations to Eloise Chaffers from Great Keppel Island Hideaway, who was one of 15 young professionals (under 35 yo) who has just successfully completed her 2017 QTIC Young Professionals Mentoring Program which was conducted between February and July this year… Read more »

Rockhampton and Townsville announced as 50/50 FIFO hubs for Adani

A three tiered approach from Local, State and Federal governments has today resulted in the announcement that Rockhampton and Townsville will receive a 50% split each for FIFO workers out of Adani’s Carmichael Mine near Clermont, with Rockhampton and Townsville… Read more »