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Queensland is OPEN!

In welcomed news for the ailing tourism sector, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk yesterday revealed a valuable lifeline for the industry that will deliver significant steps towards reviving the region. From noon Monday 1st June, Queenslanders can undertake unlimited travel anywhere… Read more »

Queensland open from Midday Monday 1st June 2020

From midday Monday 1st June 2020, Stage Two of the Roadmap to easing restrictions allows: Unlimited travel and overnight stays for Queenslanders across all of Queensland (no km limit). Recreational travel, camping and accommodation including caravan parks. Tourism experiences for… Read more »

5 minutes with Capricorn Enterprise Economic Development Member, Cooper Mckenzie Marketing

Carl Carter is not your average manager. He is a professional business manager and marketing strategist with a finance background. He understands sales and the sales process, importance of stakeholder engagement, as well as business improvement and change management. With… Read more »

Rookwood Weir water up for grabs

On completion, the Rookwood Weir will be the largest Sunwater operated weir in regional Queensland. This valuable new water source will bring much needed water security as well as economic growth and jobs for Central Queenslanders. Sunwater is now providing… Read more »

Australian Nature Guides provide USA students with a taste of Carnarvon

The usual silence, peace, and remote tranquillity that the Sandstone Wilderness landscape is renowned for has not been critically altered in recent months, but creativity and innovation has been ringing louder than ever for Carnarvon Gorge based Australian Nature Guides…. Read more »

Border restrictions debate

With the Premier stating her intention to keep southerners at bay with continued border closures, despite easing restrictions across the State, Capricorn Enterprise CEO Mary Carroll is pleading the State Government to consider reopening the state’s borders faster to assist… Read more »

Timings amiss as virus wipes out Show festivities

With public holidays going ahead on their pre-scheduled days across Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast despite the cancellation of Show celebrations, Capricorn Enterprise is urging the local community to keep their thoughts with suffering accommodation providers who plan to reopen… Read more »

Queensland travel bubbles will rupture already damaged tourism industry

Capricorn Enterprise CEO, Mary Carroll is appealing to the Premier to consider the serious implications to the Capricorn Coast and broader Capricorn region, should an additional Northern Queensland ‘travel bubble’ be approved (in addition to the outback travel bubble). The… Read more »

Second instalment of campaign keeps dreams alive

View the 60 second clip here – “Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.” – Laureth Rumble, Pumpkin Island The richness of experiencing a trip away, even among the beauty of your own backyard,… Read more »

Leisure Travel Radius Maps

Capricorn Enterprise has created maps to assist our Members in better understanding the State government’s Roadmap to easing Queensland restrictions in regards to the various Stages as previously distributed. There has been a bit of confusion as to how the… Read more »