grant - Latest News

$5 million to elevate accessible tourism

The Queensland Government has celebrated World Tourism Day and Queensland’s Year of Accessible Tourism with the launch of $5 million in inclusive tourism grants. Queensland’s $5 million Accessible Tourism Elevate Fund will support more tourism operators to create more world-class,… Read more »

Submit your EOI for the Growing future tourism program by Monday 11th September

The first round of a new $15 million Queensland Government investment in Growing Future Tourism experiences and infrastructure opens from Wednesday, 2 August. Growing Future Tourism is designed to support tourism operators to develop visitor experiences in the new priority… Read more »

Year of Accessible Tourism: Grant Update

The Boosting Accessible Tourism Experiences Grant is open until 31 August 2023. There have been 35 small tourism businesses and organisations awarded over $500,000 in grant funding.  You can read about how Fun over 50 Holidays is using the grant to enhance the experience… Read more »

Apply now for round two of Agribusiness Digital Solutions Grants Scheme

Round two of the Queensland Government’s Agribusiness Digital Solutions Grants Scheme has opened with $1.3 million in funding available to help agribusiness build resilience through digital transformation. The scheme assists eligible organisations to carry out projects that result in the… Read more »

Extension of the Boosting Accessible Tourism Experiences grants

The closing date for the $1M Boosting Accessible Tourism Experiences grants has been extended to Thursday 31 August 2023, or until funding is fully awarded. This will allow even more Queensland tourism businesses employing fewer than 20 employees to apply… Read more »

Grants open to support businesses in 2023 Year of Accessible Tourism

Yesterday (Tuesday, 21 March 2023) the Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Minister for Tourism, Innovation and Sport and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics and Paralympics Sport and Engagement announced the opening of two grants under the $10 million Accessible Tourism… Read more »

Central Queensland Update on AusIndustry Grants, Programs and Events: February 2023

Included in this update is the following: AusIndustry’s Central Queensland Regional Manager is available if you have questions or require further information in regards the programs and initiatives outlined below, and is happy assist businesses should they be interested in… Read more »

Causeway dredge plan gets $300K boost

Plans to dredge and revitalise the popular Causeway Lake have been boosted by a $300,000 Building Our Regions (BOR) grant from the Queensland Government. The grant is one of two significant projects funded by BOR in the Livingstone Shire; the… Read more »

Small business can apply for $10,000 – first in best dressed, so be quick!

Under the $100 Million Small Business Adaption Grant Program, small businesses can apply for a grant of up to $10,000. Grants can be used for: financial, legal and other professions marketing and communications activities (I am investigating this to see… Read more »