PKF Forensic and Risk Services Queensland Roadshow

Local Accounting firm PKF have expanded their offer to include a Risk services unit. Principle David Morgan discusses the changes to their business:

PKF Forensic and Risk Services is a new national business. As part of our launch into the Queensland market, we are conducting a Qld roadshow and a visit to Rockhampton on the 17th August – any businesses that would like to meet us please get in touch.

We are an investigations business and our areas of expertise capture fraud, corruption and broader misconduct. Although the problems we help our clients with can often be broader than this. We have developed a flyer titled “Integrity” which provides some insight on our business.

We investigate the above incidents but our business is also about using our skills to either prevent these incidents from occurring in the first place or to identify them at an earlier stage, saving our clients considerable time, money and stress.

The third area of focus of our business is using our skills to help our clients save money – we often identify instances of maladministration, i.e. duplicate payments to contractors, overpayments to staff, significant stock shrinkage etc. Our attached flyer on “Forensic Cost Reviews” provides some insight on our services to help clients in this space.

To learn more about these services or to be part of the roadshow, please contact David Morgan


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