Natural disaster assistance following TC Debbie and associated rainfall and flooding

Following TC Debbie and the associated rainfall and flooding (28th to 31st March, 2017), financial assistance may be available from the State or Federal governments.

Queensland government financial assistance for business may be available from QRAA.

What assistance is available?

A low interest loan up to $250,000 can assist you to re-establish your business by covering costs such as:

  • repairing or replacing damaged plant and equipment
  • repairing or replacing buildings
  • supplying stock for up to one month to replace lost stock and maintain liquidity of the business
  • meeting carry-on requirements including:
    • sustenance
    • paying rent and rates

For further information, please go to the QRAA website for Natural Disaster Assistance – Small business

The Federal government provides one-off financial assistance to eligible Australians adversely affected by the tropical cyclone; and income support payments to employees, primary producers and sole traders who can demonstrate they have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of the tropical cyclone.

The joint Australian, state and territory governments’ Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) also provide a range of financial assistance to the natural disaster-declared areas in each state or territory.  These include:

  • Extraordinary costs associated with the delivery of personal hardship and distress assistance (Banana, Central Highlands, Gladstone, Livingstone, Rockhampton and Woorabinda Councils)
  • Personal hardship and distress (Rockhampton)
  • Demolition or rebuilding (Rockhampton)
  • Removal of debris (Central Highlands, Gladstone, Livingstone, Rockhampton and Woorabinda)
  • Personal and financial counselling (Livingstone and Rockhampton)
  • Restoration or replacement of essential public assets (Banana, Central Highlands, Gladstone, Livingstone, Rockhampton and Woorabinda)
  • Concessional interest rate loans and interest rate subsidies for small businesses (Livingstone and Rockhampton)
  • Concessional interest rate loans, interest rate subsidies and grants for voluntary non-profit organisations (Rockhampton)
  • Concessional interest rate loans and interest rate subsidies for primary producers (Central Highlands, Gladstone, Livingstone and Rockhampton)
  • Freight subsidies for primary producers (Central Highlands, Gladstone, Livingstone and Rockhampton)
  • Grants to needy individuals (Livingstone and Rockhampton).

For information on available recovery assistance, visit the Queensland Government Disaster Management website.

For further information on recovery arrangements, visit the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements​ page.

In order to find out the assistance you may be eligible for, you can visit the Queensland Government community support website.

Click for a summary of assistance available as at 12th April 2017  here.

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