A surge in new business registrations in Livingstone Shire (predominantly on the Capricorn Coast) in just one year, between 2015/16 and 2016/17 has been revealed in the most recent ABS data. 

Registered businesses in 2015/16 in the Capricorn Coast region grew from 2,818 to 2,897 in 2016/17, an increase of 79 new registered businesses in just one year.

Capricorn Enterprise chief executive officer Mary Carroll said “Having just under 80 new registered businesses in a twelve month period on the Capricorn Coast is certainly positive news for our local economy.”

“Increases across a broad range of industries including health, accommodation, transport, financial services and real estate reflect population growth which has also been positive on the coast” she said.

18 of the 79 new business registrations in the Capricorn Coast region are statistically classified as ‘other services’ which include beauty/hairdressing, diet and weight reduction,  automotive repair and maintenance, domestic appliance and equipment repairs.

Ms Carroll said “We know that many of the new business registrations on the coast are sole traders particularly in the areas of home and personal services, which seems to reflect the needs of busy workers and professionals.”

Whilst results in the Rockhampton region have seen a decline in new business registrations in the same period, 5,187 registered businesses in 2016/17 down from 5,245 in 2015/16, a decline of 58 registered businesses, Capricorn Enterprise believes this should not cause alarm.

Ms Carroll said “We need to always consider the broader regional economy and these strong numbers on the coast continue to support the major service centre of Rockhampton.”

“There is a definite lifestyle trend toward the coast, particularly by sole traders, who don’t necessarily need to be based in the city” she said.

 Source: ABS 8165.0, Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, various editions

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