‘The Hub’ official opening marks a significant step forward for Livingstone Shire
Posted on May 2nd, 2018
Marking a monumental day for Livingstone Shire, local dignitaries and community members gathered on Monday 30th April 2018 to officially open the newly-completed Centre of Excellence for Disaster Management, Innovation and Community Resilience (The Hub).
Mayor Bill Ludwig was joined by Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry and Assistant Minister for Education and Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga to cut the ribbon and celebrate the completion of the state-of-the-art facility and centre of excellence for disaster management and education.
The $6.225 million jointly funded project, known as ‘The Hub’, will be a lasting legacy for Livingstone Shire, having already generated 40 local jobs since it commenced construction in June 2017.
‘The Hub’ will continue to have an ongoing positive impact on the community as a focal part of the Town Centre in providing a community resource for advice, guidance, engagement and education, with the impressive three-storey building to be in use for training and education purposes.
The multi-use facility will not only be activated in times of disaster, but be available for multiple agencies to utilise as a venue for their involvement in building community resilience.
Mayor Bill Ludwig sincerely commended the Australian and Queensland Governments for sharing Livingstone’s vision to deliver this innovative and critically important project.
Partnerships are also taking shape with Tertiary institutions to take education and resilience building to the next level with the proposed embedding of Research Students, as well as short and diploma level courses to be conducted in the new facility. This proposed structure will ensure research and academia are embedded into the operational functionality of the facility.
The project received $3.35 million in Funding under the Natural Disaster Resilience Program, a joint initiative of the State and Federal Governments, and $2.875 million from Livingstone Shire Council.