Construction Skills Qld (CSQ) – 2019 Construction Activity – Regional Industry Briefings

Interested in finding out more in relation to projected Central Queensland Construction activity – don’t delay and register today!

Hear insights and forecasts from Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) for the industry in CQ for the coming 12 months, and also be first to learn about CSQ’s range of training initiatives and programs to be prioritised for funding over this time.

CSQ 2019 Industry Insights forecasts for Central Queensland region:

• Committed major projects = $3.7Billion;
• Planned major projects = $16.4Billion;
• Forecast annual growth = 6%;
• Construction workers employed in region = 10,500;
• Apprentices engaged in Construction Industry = 564;
• Labour force required each month to undertake Projects 3,806 (committed)/12,986 (planned)!

CSQ’s Regional Insights roadshow outlines priorities for skills investment, service delivery and funding for 2019-20— together with key industry insights. A detailed overview of the region’s profile will be presented, demonstrating what activity is forecast in Central Queensland for the next year, which will help employers and workers/career seekers match skills supply to industry demands.

Where: Empire Apartment Hotel Conference Room – Tuesday Sept 3rd 8 – 9.30am.

Interested – Register at:

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