10,000 Lives CQ
Posted on January 8th, 2020
CQHHS Ceasing smoking in Central Queensland campaign
Updated 29 November 2023
The Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CQHHS) continues to provide great care for Central Queenslanders.
One initiative to improve the lives of CQ residents is the #10,000LivesCQ campaign. Because tobacco is linked to 1 in 8 deaths, kills 20,000 Australians each year and costs the community $136.9 billion/year, reducing its contribution to health issues and disease burden across all age groups benefits us all.
CQHHS has a target to reduce daily smoking from 16.7% of the over 18 year old population in 2016 to 9.5% by 2030, which will mean 20,000 fewer adults smoking daily and 10,000 lives saved from smoking-related deaths. In 2022, Central Queensland had reduced that rate to 12.8%.
CQHHS supports people who smoke or vape to quit for good with Quitline’s free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and phone support through a tailored quit smoking program.
Can you help? Can your workplace or locality be part of the solution? Read the #10000LivesCQ fact sheet and the CQHHS presentation to the 2019 Capricorn Industry Group Networking Lunch to find out more about the campaign and how to support smokers to quit.