Regional projects ‘up and away’ in difficult times
Posted on March 23rd, 2020
Following extensive liaison with a number of managing contractors associated with local major infrastructure projects, Capricorn Enterprise is pleased to confirm that despite the turmoil and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 virus, all projects are progressing in accordance with their development programs.
With construction being a core component of our region’s economy, managers are continuing to work with its suppliers to offset the impact of coronavirus and continue moving forward as they monitor the situation.
“We have been informed that there have not been work stoppages at any of our major project sites to date,” shared Neil Lethlean, Capricorn Enterprise Regional Economic Development Manager. “With all local projects progressing in uncertain times, plus the recent announcements on the tender success of locally based companies, a real boost is being given to some regional businesses who are being given the opportunity to expand and employ local workers,” said Neil.
The Shoalwater Bay Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative (ASMTI) has awarded two key packages to local civil construction firms, while the Remediation Project has confirmed a suite of packages are currently out to tender to the shortlisted tenderers as of 20th March 2020.
From site sheds and facilities, structural steel, bin and skip hire, concrete panels, temporary fence hire, electrical and hydraulic works and more, managing directors Downer/FKG are working through this next step to ensure local companies are given the opportunity to bid for local works.
Whilst appropriate measures and actions have been enacted regarding the COVID-19 virus, Fulton Hogan’s managing contractors who are progressing the Capricorn Highway/Gracemere Duplication Project confirmed that the project is ‘on track and its business as usual’.
And while visitor access has been restricted and on-site measures implemented in accordance with the pandemic guidelines, the Bruce Highway RNA Project is progressing to meet contractual timelines.
“The continued progression of these major projects will provide a critical stimulus boost for the region both short and long term,” said Neil. “Whilst we are in a time mired in uncertainty, these positive and gradual steps forward by our major partners in relation to major infrastructure will drive business activity and support jobs.”
Following a survey recently conducted by Capricorn Enterprise, the coronavirus pandemic is shaking up local business and consumer behaviour on a massive scale.
During the crisis, Capricorn Enterprise is keeping business and industry information with up to date and credible information to assist decision. A COVID-19 webpage has been set up at outlining the most up-to-date information required for all industries.