Join the”Support Local Buy Local” Facebook group
Posted on March 23rd, 2020
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Capricorn Enterprise, the region’s peak tourism and economic development organisation, is no stranger in dealing with industry response and recovery activity when natural disasters have hit the region over the past decade. But the global impacts to business from the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, with millions of dollars lost and job cuts already occurring locally in the tourism industry, particularly in accommodation, hospitality and retail businesses.
Now more than ever, it is critical that we support local and buy local, with businesses suffering millions of dollars of losses and laying off hundreds and hundreds of workers.
As part of our immediate response activity to this crisis, the Support Local Buy Local Facebook page is designed to encourage our local businesses and community in connecting with each other and keeping our money local. Cash is king in small business so we each need to do our bit as best we can.
The social media group is open to all local businesses and community members in Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast.
The variety of local businesses using the platform is incredible from tourism operators to tradies, from hairdressers to service stations, from artists to beauty therapists.
We need to stay connected in this crisis so it’s important we all stay as positive and kind as possible and genuinely help each other.
The Federal government’s additional multi billion stimulus package over the weekend to further assist small businesses and their employees is very welcomed.
Capricorn Enterprise will continue to work hard in this immediate response phase and we are working around the clock with our state industry bodies to plan the necessary recovery activity when it will be appropriate to do so.
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