Rookwood Weir Roundup brought to you by Sunwater
Posted on April 16th, 2020
Edition 1: 9 April 2020
Welcome to the first edition of the Rookwood Weir Roundup.
Each month, the Rookwood Weir Project team is committed to providing an update on the progress of the project and sharing with you how Sunwater is investing in the region to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for Central Queenslanders.
The Rookwood Weir Project is on track to deliver the road and bridge infrastructure required to provide safe access for earth-moving machinery and construction vehicles to travel to the site. These important works need to be completed before we can commence construction on building the new weir.
Thirsty Creek Road Upgrade
Sunwater’s Rookwood Weir Project team is speeding ahead with nearly 50 per cent of the Thirsty Creek Road Upgrade now complete. Rockhampton Regional Council, as Sunwater’s constructor for this package of work, are certainly rocking it for Rookwood employing 27 Central Queenslanders on this $7.5 million project. The Project is on track to be completed by June 2020 (weather permitting).
Capricorn Highway Intersection Upgrade
The upgrade to the Capricorn Highway Intersection and Second Street and Third Street in Gogango was awarded to Civil Mining and Construction Pty Ltd (CMC) in late December. CMC moved into full construction mode in mid-March. CMC is also rocking it for Rookwood by employing 15 Central Queenslanders on this $2.1 million project. They have already completed 21 per cent of these important works, which are due to be completed in mid-2020 (weather permitting).
New Riverslea Bridge
Expressions of Interest have now closed for the tender to build the Riverslea Bridge and upgrade the approaching roads. Sunwater will announce the successful constructor in late April and employ 15 Central Queenslanders. These works will commence in June to build an 18-metre high, 220-metre-wide bridge across the Lower Fitzroy River. Works are due to be completed in early 2021 (weather permitting).
Rookwood Weir Alliance

In January 2020, Sunwater shortlisted to two potential constructors – Lendlease-McCosker and McDowell-Obayashi. Since then Sunwater and GHD have been working through a three-month long Alliance Development (AD) Phase with both proponents.
During the AD Phase, specialists from the Rookwood Weir Project team facilitate a weekly interactive session with each proponent team to provide them with the information they need to design and deliver an innovative and quality submission. Submissions closed on 6 April. Following an intensive evaluation process, we plan to announce in July 2020 the preferred proponent who will intend to partner with Sunwater (the Construction authority) and GHD (our Design partner) to form the Rookwood Weir Alliance.
Rookwood Weir Project Progress Report
month, we’ll also be publishing our Rookwood Weir Project Progress Report,
which captures our investment in the region.
March 2020
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