Capricorn Enterprise 10 years strong – a decade of regional priority success!

1st July 2020 marks the tenth Anniversary of Capricorn Tourism and Economic Development Ltd (trading as Capricorn Enterprise).  Our small team of dedicated professionals are supported by a volunteer Board of Directors and Management Committee Members and hundreds of Member businesses, stakeholders, public and private sector partners.

“For 10 years, Capricorn Enterprise has been advancing our dynamic region through collaboration, leadership and support.  We have represented our business and industry membership with one consolidated voice to all levels of government and focused on Destination Marketing, Business Support, Investment Attraction and Visitor Servicing,” Capricorn Enterprise CEO, Mary Carroll said. 

“We have been a key partner in helping to attract hundreds of millions of dollars to this region in both public and private infrastructure development as well as achieved growth in both domestic and international visitors over the past decade despite a number of external challenges well beyond our control.”

By focussing and collaborating on the following Regional Priority Projects, Capricorn Enterprise over the past decade has played a key lobbying role in supporting Local Government, State and Federal politicians and Departments in helping to secure significant funding to achieve:

Gracemere Overpass ($50M state funding) to develop the Gracemere Industrial Area – completed Sep 2013 (Gibb Group are a corporate partner of Capricorn Enterprise and have since also developed the Homemaker Centre site in Yeppoon)

Approval of the Great Keppel Island Revitalisation project at Federal, State and Local government levels – March 2013 (we continue to work with the relevant Proponents, Departments and Ministers to see this project come to fruition)

The inclusion of the Rockhampton/Capricorn Coast and Gladstone regions in the federal government’s “Northern Australia” legislative funding footprint (thanks to our successful joint submission co-authored with CQUniversity, signed by nearly 30 local government authorities, Chambers and advocacy groups)

Merger of CQUniversity and CQTAFE to form Queensland’s first dual sector university – May 2013 (collaboration between the CQUniversity, Capricorn Enterprise, State & Fed government)

Major road infrastructure ($170M Yeppen South Project completed in 2015) as part of the ten year $8.6Billion Bruce Hwy action plan – legislated in 2012.  Capricorn Enterprise joint CQUniversity submission entitled “Assessing the regional economic impacts of flood interruption to transport corridors in Rockhampton” was presented and utilized by Federal & State Government and Opposition to help secure funding for the Yeppen South Project.

Major road infrastructure (up to $15M State government funding) for the Northern Strategic Link Road (Panorama Drive, Yeppoon) – collaboration between Local and state government and Capricorn Enterprise.

• When Federal funding of $2.4M was under threat for Beef Australia 2015, Capricorn Enterprise lobbied with the Federal Member of Capricornia for its continuation.

• The Rockhampton Riverfront redevelopmentfunding 2015/16 ($15M State, $8.5M Federal, $8.5 plus $4M RRC – total $36M), completed in March 2018 – collaboration between local, state, federal government and Capricorn Enterprise.

• The Yeppoon Foreshore and CBD revitalisation – funding 2015/16 ($29M State, $10M Federal, $14M LSC – total $53M), completed in May 2018 – collaboration between local, state, federal government and Capricorn Enterprise.

Major water infrastructure – supporting “Growing Central Queensland” – resulting in funding for Rookwood Weir April 2018 ($130M Federal, $130M State), commenced Nov 2019 – collaboration between Regional Development Australia, Growing Central Queensland, CQUniversity, local, state and federal government and Capricorn Enterprise.

Keppel Bay Convention Centre and Sporting Hub – $20M secured prior to the last Federal election – collaboration between Keppel Bay Sailing Club, Capricorn Enterprise, local, state and federal government.  Whilst the covid crisis has severely impacted the timeline for this development, we continue to work with the Proponent and government to see this project come to fruition

“Our efforts as a Regional Economic Development Organisation is currently focused on building a collaboration “Jobs in Central Queensland” technological platform which will cement CQ as a destination of choice for skills development, jobs, lifestyle choices, population growth and economic prosperity,” Mary said. 

“Thanks to a strong partnership with industry stakeholders, local, state and federal government agencies and governments, we look forward to another decade of development.”

Regional Priority Projects –2010-2013

  1. Critical Road, Rail, Air & Port Infrastructure (Fitzroy River floods -Feb/Mar 2010–5.30m, Dec 10/Jan 2011–9.20m, Feb/Mar 2012–7.10m, Jan/Feb 2013–8.61m)
  2. CQUniversity and TAFE Partnership to up skill Central Queensland and form Queensland’s first dual sector university
  3. Rockhampton Riverfront redevelopment including Convention & Sporting Precincts
  4. Great Keppel Island and coastal foreshore revitalisation
  5. Industrial land and associated infrastructure
  6. CQ NRL Bid Success –securing the region’s first NRL team
  7. Support Major Regional Events (ongoing)

Major Results:

  • $50M State funding Gracemere Overpass –announced end 2011, commenced Feb 2012, completed Sep 2013.  GIA developed (Gibb Group)
  • Legislated in 2012, completed in 2015 –Ten year $8.6B Bruce Hwy Action Plan (Fed & State govts) –included $170M YeppenSouth Project (including 1.6km bridge crossing)
  • Dec 2012 State govt. approval of CQUniversity dual sector, May 2013 State govt. approval.  CQUniversity is Australia’s largest regional University
  • March 2013 Great Keppel Island resort  plans –State govt, Fed govt. approval

Regional Priority Projects –2014-2020

  1. Multi Use Centre –Convention Centre & Stadium Facilities (Option 1: Major facility co-locating a convention centre & multi sports centre, Option 2 –A Staged facility, Option 3 –Stand alone Convention Centre in Rockhampton and/or Yeppoon)
  2. Increase representation of State and Federal government agencies in the Rockhampton region
  3. Growing Central Queensland (Phase 1 –Rookwood Weir, Fitzroy River)
  4. Upgrade Rockhampton Regional Airport (Stage 1 –Freight Handling, Stage 2 –Increased Military Presence, Stage 3 –Dedicated facilities for international capability)
  5. Healthy communities –Allied clinic stage three at CQUniversity and Aged Care resort facilities
  6. Implementation of the Capricorn Destination Tourism Plan 2014-2020
  7. Implementation of the Northern Australia Alliance
  8. Focussing on the Digital Economy (Support the RRC Smart City Initiative, Support the LSC Digital Strategy)

Major Results:

2015/16 -$29Million State funds, $10M Federal funds, $14M LSC –Yeppoon Foreshore Redevelopment (total $53M)

2015/16 $15M State funds, $8.5M Federal, $8.5M RRC –Rockhampton Riverfront redevelopment (total $36m with RRC paying an additional $4M plus for final and ongoing project cost )

2017 -$5M Fed funds to upgrade Rockhampton Airport

2017 Rookwood Weir -$130M federal funding, followed by $130M state funding commitment

April 2019 -$20M Federal funds secured for Keppel Bay Convention Centre & Sporting Hub, Yeppoon

Note: Fitzroy River flood in March/April 2017 of 8.80m was the first time the Yeppen crossing was seen in action –a magnificent piece of infrastructure!

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