Good to Go Campaign

Tourism and Events Queensland’s Good to Go campaign aims to inspire visitors to explore the very best of their own backyard and reconnect with friends and family now that travel restrictions are easing and to help assure visitors you are offering a safe travel experience. 

A core message of the campaign is built on the premise that Queensland’s tourism industry is open, ready to welcome visitors and –importantly– is following COVID Safe practices. Businesses can display the ‘Good to Go’ stamp in their marketing if they have completed all required COVID Safe Planning with documentation is in place.

How to get involved

Once Queensland’s tourism businesses meet the requirements, there are a number of ways you can get involved with the Good to Go campaign:

  • Businesses will be able to display the ‘Good to Go’ stamp as part of their marketing if they have the required COVID Safe documentation in place. Click to download the ‘Good to Go’ stamp as well as the Style Guide
  • To have the Good to Go stamp displaying on, log into ATDW Online, navigate to the ‘Accreditations’ section and select the COVID Safe programs you have completed: COVID Safe documentation in place, the COVID Clean Practising Business module completed and/or ATEC’s COVID Ready Program completed. You only need to complete one of these in order for the stamp to display. 
  • Update (or create) your ATDW listing – with holiday deals, refreshed images and up-to-date content about your business operations and information to reassure customers about safety – this will ensure an optimal presence on the new webpage, which is the call to action for the campaign.
  • View the fact sheet which outlines the background and key information that tourism businesses need to know to leverage the campaign.

Further information on the Good to Go campaign can be found on the TEQ website here.

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