Single-Use Plastic Ban in Queensland
Posted on June 23rd, 2021
From September 1 2021, certain single-use plastic items will be banned in Qld, including plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery, plates, bowls and expanded polystyrene cups and containers.
The Qld Government has contracted the Boomerang Alliance* to conduct a series of early evening forums across the state aimed at community groups who provide disposable single-use packaging as part of community or fundraising activities. We will cover:
- What items are included in the ban
- What alternative products can be used
- How community groups can comply with the ban.
Suppliers of disposable products or businesses working in a not for profit group, this may be of interest to you and you are invited to your local forum which is listed below. For venue information and to register, please follow THIS LINK to the Eventbrite page.
Central Qld forums
Bowen Tuesday, 20 July
Proserpine Wednesday, 21 July
Mackay Thursday, 22 July
Rockhampton Monday, 2 August
Gladstone Tuesday, 3 August
*The Boomerang Alliance is a not-for-profit organisation that has been actively involved in the design of Queensland’s Single-use Plastic Ban. They run the national Plastic Free Places Program, which works in communities to assist retailers to transition away from single-use plastics.