GMRMPA and QPWS Tourism Management Action Strategy
Posted on September 21st, 2021
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Authority) and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service are proud to release the final Tourism Management Action Strategy (Strategy).
Through both targeted and public consultation phases, the Strategy benefited from a number of submissions providing detailed comments. Comments were received from the tourism industry, Traditional Owners, local community members, non-government organisations, local government and more.
The Strategy guides future management and will help the Authority simplify and improve tourism management in the Great Barrier Reef whilst protecting the Reef’s values. The Strategy outlines the actions that will be implemented over the next 15 years in collaboration with the tourism industry, Traditional Owners, Marine Park users and other interested partners.
The Implementation Plan on pages 16 to 18 displays detail our marine operators should read.
The final Strategy is available on the Authority’s website link. For more information or if you would like to discuss the Strategy, please email GBRMPA’s Policy Team or call 07 4750 0700.