Free Get Ready for Grants events
Posted on October 12th, 2021
Central Queensland Grant Master, Prue Saxby, is running four FREE live and unique grant writing events, via Zoom.
Starting this Friday, 15 October, each of the live ‘Get Ready for Grants’ events cover different content, so register for each to maximise your learning.
The Zoom events are aimed at grant “Newbies” to help you move forward with your grant writing. Make sure you’re stocked up with adhesive paper to enjoy some ‘Post-it Note Party’ fun, designed to help you to gain momentum.
Over the last five years, Prue’s helped clients gain $47,239,420 in grant funds, so she’s got plenty of experience to pass on to you.
Event 1: Friday 15 October 10 am – 10:30 am AEST
- Understand why it’s important to act now with grants
- Find out what it takes to be successful
- Enjoy some activity with Post-it Note Party 1 where you’ll brainstorm possible funders
- Prue will give a glimpse into how she’s been so successful with grants
Register for the event here:
Event 2: Monday 18 October 2 pm – 2:30 pm AEST
- Understand 3 things you must do to be successful with grants and the types of attachments you’re likely to need
- Enjoy another Post-it Note Party to create a wish list of projects which need funding
Register for the event here:
Event 3: Tuesday 19 October 11 am – 11:45 am AEST
- Understand the big picture and how to make grant submissions become a reality
- Hear some tips to help tackle tricky internal situations to move things forward
- Enjoy Post-it Note Party action to explore organisational ‘nuts and bolts’ needed for success
Register for the event here:
Event 4: Wednesday 20 October 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm AEST
- Understand why collaboration is so important
- Hear a case study (or two) that feature the impact of collaboration
- Enjoy the final Post-it Note Party to create your own collaboration list
Register for the event here: