Bowlin Road Riverbank Rehabilitation Project – Invitation to tender
Posted on August 16th, 2022
Catchment Solutions is leading the remediation of a large-scale erosion project at Gavial Height Station located at 312 Bowlin Road, Port Curtis, QLD 4700.
Prospective tenderers are invited to tender on the project and to the mandatory tender inspection being held Wednesday 24th August, meeting at the fishing point on Bowlin Road at 8:00AM (look for the Catchment Solutions branded car).
The Catchment Solutions Gully and Stream bank sediment reduction project is funded through partnership with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Proposed works at this site involve bank battering and re-profiling, installation of timber log fillets, rock beaching, and mulch / seeding using a sterile cover crop combined a native seed mix.
To protect the site following remediation, fencing of the site will be undertaken.
The detailed design drawings and associated documents have been completed by the designer, Neilly Group Engineering, which can be accessed by the link below.
The project tender response closes on the 5th of September 2022, with the tender being tentatively awarded on the 15th of September 2022. Project earthworks are expected to begin by early October 2022.
Attachments are available at link below:
Invite to Tender – Catchment Solutions – GBRF Bowlin Road Riverbank Remediation
If you have any questions please contact Alyce Volker,, who is the key tender contact.