Have your say on higher education
Posted on December 14th, 2022
Survey closes Monday 19th December 2022
The Australian Government has announced the development of an Australian Universities Accord to build a long-term plan for Australia’s higher education system.
The Department of Education invites individuals (students, Parent or guardian/family member of student, industry partner/research collaborator, employer of graduates, plus university staff) to complete the survey.
This survey closes Monday 19 December 2022.
You can have your say directly by completing a short 5 minute survey on policy priorities for the Accord. https://submit.dese.gov.au/jfe/form/SV_6FIG6oFXQVjlpEW?source=1
The Accord – which will outline how government and universities work together to drive performance and higher standards of quality, accessibility, affordability and sustainability – is being touted as the most significant opportunity for higher education policy reform in decades.
If you have any connection to the university sector, be it yourself as a student, a parent, or you employ university graduates, we strongly encourage you to complete this survey, including the free text box at the end, so you can influence Australian higher education for the future.